JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use ValueCollection

Uses of ValueCollection in jtp.frame

Subclasses of ValueCollection in jtp.frame
 class SlotValueCollection
          SlotValueCollection.java Created: Mon Mar 15 18:22:10 1999

Methods in jtp.frame with parameters of type ValueCollection
static ReasoningStepIterator LinkAsserter.propagateAssertedValue(ValueCollection vc, Object value)
static boolean LinkAsserter.checkLinkRedundancy(ValueCollection source, ValueCollection target, int depth)
          checks if there is a directed path in the value collection graph from source to target.
static boolean LinkAsserter.checkLinkRedundancy(ValueCollection source, ValueCollection target, int depth)
          checks if there is a directed path in the value collection graph from source to target.

Uses of ValueCollection in jtp.frame.vc

Fields in jtp.frame.vc declared as ValueCollection
protected  ValueCollection MembershipProofStep.vc
 ValueCollection ValueLink.source
          the collection being included into the target
 ValueCollection ValueLink.target
          the collection being included into the target

Methods in jtp.frame.vc that return ValueCollection
 ValueCollection ReferringValueCollection.getReferredValueCollection(Object val)
 ValueCollection Goal.getValueCollection()
 ValueCollection ValueLink.getSource()
          accessor function to source
 ValueCollection ValueLink.getTarget()
          accessor function to target

Methods in jtp.frame.vc with parameters of type ValueCollection
 void BackwardChainingWalker.reset(ValueCollection vc)

Constructors in jtp.frame.vc with parameters of type ValueCollection
Goal(ValueCollection vc, Object value)
BackwardChainingWalker(ValueCollection vc)
MembershipProofStep(ValueCollection vc, Object value)
ValueLink(ValueCollection source, ValueCollection target, ReasoningStep proof)
          Creates a link from source to target.
ValueLink(ValueCollection source, ValueCollection target, ReasoningStep proof)
          Creates a link from source to target.

JTP API Documentation