JTP API Documentation

Class DirectAssertion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable, Unifyable

public class DirectAssertion
extends ReasoningStep
implements Serializable

This class represents an act of directly asserting a sentence. Upon receiving a direct assertion, the forward-chaining reasoning mechanism performs the actual addition of the information to the knowledge base. Depending on the structure of the system, it can then produce the consequences arising from the assertion. They can be asserted also; note that they won't be represented by instances of DirecAssertion, since these sentences would be derived.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jtp.proof.Proof
bindings, goal, inference, subGoals, subProofs
Constructor Summary
DirectAssertion(Object goal)
DirectAssertion(Object goal, String message)
DirectAssertion(Object goal, URL kbLocation)
DirectAssertion(Object goal, URL kbLocation, String message)
Method Summary
 URL getKBLocation()
 boolean isAsserted()
          Get the value of asserted.
 void setAsserted(boolean v)
          Sets the value of asserted status for a direct assertion, that is, if the assertion has been acted upon, the sentence being added to the knowledge base.
 String tracePrint()
          Returns a string that describes the inference that this reasoning step makes.
Methods inherited from class jtp.ReasoningStep
addContentsIfUnifyable, backtrack, clone, cloneNeedsDereferencing, collectUnifyableElements, contains, createDereferencedClone, deReferenceBindings, deReferenceElement, deReferenceList, deReferenceVariables, getCost, getInference, getSubProofs, getVariables, makeStep, unify
Methods inherited from class jtp.proof.Proof
getBindings, getGoal, getSubGoals, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DirectAssertion(Object goal)


public DirectAssertion(Object goal,
                       String message)


public DirectAssertion(Object goal,
                       URL kbLocation)


public DirectAssertion(Object goal,
                       URL kbLocation,
                       String message)
Method Detail


public String tracePrint()
Description copied from class: ReasoningStep
Returns a string that describes the inference that this reasoning step makes.

Specified by:
tracePrint in class ReasoningStep


public URL getKBLocation()


public boolean isAsserted()
Get the value of asserted.

Value of asserted.
See Also:


public void setAsserted(boolean v)
Sets the value of asserted status for a direct assertion, that is, if the assertion has been acted upon, the sentence being added to the knowledge base.

v - Value to assign to asserted.

JTP API Documentation