Living with CLASSIC: When and How to Use a KL-ONE-Like Language.
Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Stanford University
Abstract: Living with CLASSIC: When and How to Use a KL-ONE-Like Language
LASSIC is a recently-developed knowledge representation system that
follows the paradigm originally set out in the KLONE system: it
concentrates on the definition of structured concepts, their organization into
taxonomies, the creation and manipulation of individual instances of such
concepts, and the key inferences of subsumption and classification. Rather
than simply presenting a description of CLASSIC, we complement a brief
system overview with a discussion of how to live within the confines of a
limited object-oriented deductive system. By analyzing the representational
strengths and weaknesses of CLASSIC, we consider the circumstances
under which it is most appropriate to use (or not use) it. We elaborate a
knowledge-engineering methodology for building KLONE-style knowledge
bases, with emphasis on the modeling choices that arise in the process of
describing a domain. We also address some of the key difficult issues
encountered by new users, including primitive vs. defined concepts, and
differences between roles and concepts, as well as representational
``tricks-of-the-trade,'' which we believe to be generally useful. Much of the
discussion should be relevant to many of the current systems based on
Ronald J. Brachman ,
Deborah L. McGuinness ,
Peter F. Patel-Schneider ,
Lori Alperin Resnick ,
Alex Borgida. ``Living with CLASSIC: When and How to
Use a KL-ONE-Like Language,'' in John Sowa, ed., Principles of
Semantic Networks: Explorations in the representation of knowledge ,
Morgan-Kaufmann: San Mateo, California, 1991, pages 401--456.
postscript version is available.
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