
2001 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2001)

Stanford University, California, USA

Wednesday 1 August - Friday 3 August, 2001

ASCII Version of the Call for Papers.

Call for Papers

We invite submissions of technical papers of 8 pages and short position papers (for people that want to participate in the workshop without giving talks). Authors of accepted technical and position papers will be invited to participate in the workshop (participation will be by invitation only).

Accepted technical papers will be included in the proceedings as normal papers (8 pages) or long papers (12 pages). The workshop proceedings will be distributed in paper form at the workshop, and will be made available electronically in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings series.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 16 April 2001
Notification of acceptance: 21 May 2001
Camera ready papers due: 18 June 2001
DL2001 Workshop: 1 August - 3 August, 2001


The focus of DL2001 will be on

Applying Description Logics to the Semantic Web

including description logic formalisms for ontologies, description logic systems for reasoning with information in or about the web, and other relationships between description logics and the WWW.
In addition to papers related to this focus topic, we invite contributions on all other aspects of Description Logics. Possible subjects include

Submission Guidelines

If you want to submit a paper to DL2001, you are invited to send Both kinds of submission should be formatted the same as for DL2000, following this example LaTeX file. You can also view a compiled version of this example file which contains some more explanations concerning the requested style.

Submissions should be sent by electronic mail as standard postscript attachments to


and must arrive before April 16, 2001 If you have any difficulties with the requested document format (e.g., because you do not use LaTeX or cannot generate postscript files), do not hesitate to contact the workshop organizers at dl2001@ksl.stanford.edu.