2001 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2001) Call for Papers Stanford University, California, USA Wednesday 1 August - Friday 3 August, 2001 homepage: http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/dl2001 The 2001 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2001) continues the tradition of international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of knowledge representation formalisms based on Description Logics. DL2001 will be held in conjunction with ICCS2001 (International Conference on Conceptual Structures), which will be held in Stanford, California, USA, 31 July to 3 August 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INVITED SPEAKERS To be determined ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS We invite submissions of technical papers of 8 pages and short position papers (for people that want to participate in the workshop without giving talks). Authors of accepted technical and position papers will be invited to participate in the workshop (participation will be by invitation only). Accepted technical papers will be included in the workshop proceedings as normal papers (8 pages) or long papers (12 pages). The workshop proceedings will be distributed in paper form at the workshop, and will be made available electronically in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings series. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission TN-deadline: 16 April 2000 Notification of acceptance: 21 May 2000 Camera ready papers due: 18 June 2000 Workshop: 1 August - 3 August, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE The focus of DL2001 will be on ``Applying Description Logics to the Semantic Web'' including description logic formalisms for ontologies, description logic systems for reasoning with information in or about the web, and other relationships between description logics and the WWW. In addition to papers related to this focus topic, we invite contributions on all other aspects of Description Logics. Possible subjects include -- Foundations of Description Logics, including distinguishing features of Description Logics with respect to other formalisms, expressive power of Description Logics, decidability and complexity of reasoning, and novel inference problems and reasoning techniques for solving these problems. -- Extensions of Description Logics, including, but not limited to, closed world reasoning, defaults, epistemic reasoning, temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, and query languages. -- Integration of Description Logics with other formalisms, such as object-oriented languages, constraint-based programming, logic programming, and rule-based systems. -- Use of Description Logics in applications or areas such as natural language, planning, learning, databases, document management systems, semi-structured data, and ontology design, with special emphasis on the pros and cons of choosing Description Logics. -- Building systems based on Description Logics, with special emphasis on optimization and implementation techniques. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION DETAILS Interested parties are invited to submit a technical paper not exceeding 8 pages or a short position paper indicating interest in Description Logics and the workshop. Both kinds of submission should be formatted according to the guidelines to be found at http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/dl2001/submission.txt Submissions should be sent by electronic mail as self-contained standard postscript attachments to dl2001@ksl.stanford.edu and must arrive by 16 April 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZING AND PROGRAM COMMITTEE Carole Goble Deborah L. McGuinness (co-chair) Ralf F. Moeller Peter F. Patel-Schneider (co-chair) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOURCES * Information regarding costs, travel information, hotels, etc. will be distributed later, as part of the ICCS conference information. Check the WWW page of the workshop at http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/dl2001 for pointers and updates. * Enquiries about the DL2001 workshop can be made by mailing to the organizing committee: dl2001@ksl.stanford.edu * The official Description Logics WWW home page is at http://dl.kr.org/dl/ * Patrick Lambrix has a nice collection of DL references, researchers, etc. at: http://www.ida.liu.se/labs/iislab/people/patla/DL/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------