The working notes for the AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium entitled "Hybrid Systems and AI: Modeling and Control of Discrete + Continuous Systems" has been turned into a AAAI Technical Report SS-99-05. The ISBN for the tehcnical report is 1-57735-101-0. This technical report is almost identical to the working notes distributed to registrants at the spring symposium, with the exception that - some papers were corrected/updated slightly, - invited speakers were given the opportunity to make contributions. HOW TO ORDER ******************************************************************** The cost is $30.00 plus shipping cost. USA/CANADA SHIPPING: $5.00 for first technical report or book; $2.00 for each additional copy. INTERNATIONAL: $7.00 for first tech report(SURFACE MAIL); $3.00 for each additional copy. $16.50 for AIRMAIL for each technical report. *****************************ORDER FORM****************************** Title ISBN Number Price _______________________ ___________________ $ __________ _______________________ ___________________ $ __________ _______________________ ___________________ $ __________ Total $ __________ Less 20% discount for members $ __________ Calif Sales Tax (8.25% - for CA residents only) $ __________ Shipping Charges $ __________ GRAND TOTAL $ __________ Current AAAI Membership Number: ______________________________ (*You must include your current AAAI membership number [found above your name on the last issue of AI Magazine] to receive the discount.) Method of Payment (Check one) Mastercard Visa American Express Check (Payable to AAAI and drawn on a US Bank) US Govt. PO Card Number: _________________________________ Exp. Date: _________________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Name (as it appears on card): _________________________________ Address: _________________________________ _________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: _________________________________ Zip: _________________________________ Mail to: AAAI Press, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA or fax to: 650/321-4457