AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium

Hybrid Systems and AI:
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Discrete + Continuous Systems

Instructions for Workshop Participants

By the January 29 deadline, we need 2 things from you:

You also have the option of having the abstract of your paper made available electronically at AAAI's web site. If you would like to do this, we will need:

Attention Students and Others we have limited funds available for travel assistance. If you require financial assistance, please send mail to Patti Mora.

(1) Camera Ready Copy of your Submission:

Formatting Instructions

Your submission was either accepted as a research paper or as a statement of interest or position paper (please check your letter of acceptance to confirm).

Page Length Restrictions

  • Research Papers: 6 pages
  • Statement of Interest: 2 pages
  • Position Paper: 2 pages
All final submissions should be formatted using AAAI two-column, 8-1/2 x 11 inch format. Full instructions on this formatting style can be found at .
Included at this site are:

Submission Instructions

Please submit your camera-ready copy electronically through the Postdoc System -- README for instructions.

If you cannot submit it electronically, then please submit hardcopy by mail -- README for instructions.

Camera-ready copy must be received by January 29, 1999.

We also need your audio visual request form, and optionally (for AAAI) a signed permission to distribute form, and an electronic copy of your abstract for AAAI. Read on for details.

(2) Audio Visual Form:

All rooms in which the Symposia will be held will have as standard equipment an overhead projector. Individuals requiring special audio visual needs (such as a VCR or 35mm slide projector) for their presentations are requested to provide the information below.

Please fill out this FORM completely and legibly and return it to Patti Mora either by e-mail or by fax at 650-725-5850. (Patti's phone number is 650-723-9154.)

(3) Signed Permission to Distribute Form:

You also have the option of having the abstract of your paper made available electronically at AAAI's web site. If you would like to do this, we will need a signed permission to distribute form and AAAI will need an electronic abstract.

The permisssion to distribute form is simply a permission to distribute. Authors retain copyright of their material.

Please fill out this FORM completely and legibly and return it to Patti Mora either by e-mail or by fax at 650-725-5850. (Patti's phone number is 650-723-9154.)

(4) Electronic Abstracts:

AAAI asks all authors to submit an electronic abstract of their paper for posting on the AAAI web site. This is optional, but we encourage all symposium participants to submit their abstracts.

Electronic Submission Instructions

To submit your abstract, please use the form on the AAAI web site at and send it to Alternately, to send the information by electronic mail, please follow these instructions:

Do not format your electronic abstract, and do not use LaTex, Tex, html, or any other coding method.

Here's an example of a completed abstract:

Subject: Doe-AAAI 98 Abstract
Investigation of the XYZ Algorithm
Jane Doe and John Doe
Abstract: The XYZ Algorithm is presented here....

If you do not have access to the Internet, you must enclose a 3-1/2 inch Macintosh or Windows readable diskette containing this information with your submitted camera copy.