1) Timed languages, dyadic approximations and regular tree grammars.
J. Antoniotti and D. Luzeaux
2) A Case Study of Hybrid Controller Synthesis of a Heating System.
A. Balluchi, L. Benvenuti, T. Villa, H. Wong-Toi, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
3) Dynamic Diagnosis (Position Paper).
C. Baral and T. C. Son
4) Control of switching constrained systems.
L. Berardi, E. De Santis and M. D. Di Benedetto
5) Synthesizing Discrete Controllers from Hybrid Automata -- Preliminary Report.
M. Bjäreland and D. Driankov
6) Intelligent Satellite Teams for Space Systems. (Position Paper).
K. Böhringer, M. E. Campbell and J. Vagners
7) Behavioral Programming.
M. Branicky
8) A Conceptual Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Variable Structure Hybrid Systems.
L. Chen, S. Xia and P. Luker
9) On Hybrid Systems and the Modal mu-Calculus (extended abstract).
J. M. Davoren
10) Hybrid phase-portrait analysis in automated system identification.
M. Easley and E. Bradley
11) A Unified Neurosymbolic Model of the Mutual Influence of Memory, Context and Prediction of Time Ordered Sequential Events During the Audition of Tonal Music.
D. Gang and J. Berger
12) NetNeg: A Connectionist-Agent Integrated System for Representing Musical Knowledge.
D. Gang, C. Goldman, D. Lehmann and J. Rosenschein
13) Safe Cooperative Robot Dynamics on Graphs.
R. W. Ghrist and D. E. Koditschek
14) Hard Real-time Mode Logic Synthesis for Hybrid Control: A CIRCA-based approach.
R. P. Goldman, M. Pelican and D. J. Musliner
15) Execution Monitoring of Domain-Independent Controllers for Hybrid Systems.
J. Grantner and G. Fodor
16) Fast Neural Network Emulation and Control of Dynamical Systems.
R. Grzeszczuk, D. Terzopoulos and G. Hinton
17) Beyond HyTech: Hybrid Systems Analysis Using Interval Numerical Methods.
T. Henzinger, B. Horowitz, R. Majumdar and H. Wong-Toi
18) A Hybrid Architecture for Learning Robot Control Tasks.
M. Huber and R. A. Grupen
19) Hybrid Problems in Smart Matter Control.
W. B. Jackson, M. P. J. Fromherz, A.A. Berlin, D.K. Biegelsen and P. Cheung
20) Qualitative Reasoning about Continuous Processes with the Situation Calculus.
T. G. Kelley
21) Hybrid Partition Machines with Disturbances.
E. S. Lemch and P. E. Caines
22) Synthesis of Control Software in a Layered Architecture from Hybrid Automata.
M. Lin
23) Enhancing Discrete Event Simulation by Integrating Continuous Models.
J. T. Malin and L. Fleming
24) Towards Diagnosing Hybrid Systems.
S. McIlraith, G. Biswas, D. Clancy and V. Gupta
25) Hybrid Automata for Modeling Discrete Transitions in Complex Dynamic Systems.
P. J. Mosterman and G. Biswas
26) Algorithms for Real-Time Game-Tree Search for Hybrid System Control.
T. W. Neller
27) AMIA: an environment for knowledge-based discrete-time systems simulation.
M. Page, J. Gensel and M. Boudis
28) Automated Trend Analysis For Spacecraft System.
C. Peterson, J. Rowe, K. Mueller and N. Ziyad
29) A Multi-Level Organization of Semantic Primitives for Learning Models of Environment Autonomously from Continuous Data for Design (extended abstract).
S. Prabhakar and G. Smith
30) On Situated Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems.
M. Prokopenko
31) Monitoring Piecewise Continuous Behaviors by Refining Trackers and their Models.
B. Rinner and B. Kuipers
32) On the use of Hybrid Control for Legged Locomotion.
S. V. Shastri
33) Modeling the Human-Machine Interaction: Relations between Human Planning, Cognition, Mental Representation and Action using a Situation-Operator Scheme.
D. Söffker
34) Execution Monitoring of High-Level Programs.
M. Soutchanski
35) There Are no Hybrid Systems - A Multiple-Modeling Approach to Hybrid Modeling.
P. Struss
36) Continuous Processes in the Fluent Calculus.
M. Thielscher
37) Controller Synthesis for Hybrid Systems: the Hamilton-Jacobi Approach.
C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry
38) Controller Verification for Nonlinear Systems: A computational approach using phase-space geometric models.
F. Zhao and J. May
Invited Talks
1) Hybrid Games.
T. Henzinger
2) The Dynamics of Intelligence: Constraint-Satisfying Hybrid Systems For Percerptual Agents.
A. Mackworth
3) Algorithms for the Design of Networks of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
S. Sastry
4) Model-Based Programming of Reactive Systems: The Journey of Deep Space One.
B. C. Williams