For general submission information, return to the main web
Authors should submit their papers via the web using the
Postdoc system available from NASA Ames. Postdoc will accept
papers in a variety of different formats including postscript, PDF,
ascii, and MS Word. For ease of distribution, we would prefer that
papers be submitted in either postscript or PDF format.
Appended are step-by-step instructions. These instructions are also available directly at
the postdoc web site.
Thanks to Dan Clancy who will be overseeing
our use of this system. If you have any questions about using
Postdoc, please contact Dan .
Instructions on how to use postdoc:
Go to
Step 0: Change to the submissions folder by clicking on the
folder icon .
(You can get
to the appropriate folder directly by clicking
Step 1: Add the document (your paper):
Select "Add" from the "Mode" list.
Select the "Document" radio button in the "Item Type" list
near the bottom of the page. This is the default, so you should
not need to do anything.
Click the "Add Item" button. This will pop up the "Add Document"
Fill in the title of your paper in the "Document name" field.
Use the "Browse" button to select the submission file on your local
Select the "File type" from the list of available file types.
If you are posting a Word document, you need not convert it to Word
6.0 as was required at the time of submissions. We now have Office
98 for the Macintosh that should be able to read your files (I hope!).
Fill in the the list of authors in the "Description" field. You
may add additional comments in this field.
Click on the "Add" button.
Step 2: Change the permissions on your paper as follows:
Click on the little "i" button next to your paper. This should
pop up the "Item relationships" page.
Change the "User Relationships" so that "User, Guest" has only the Author
(A) relationship, and not Owner or Writable. This will
ensure that no guest user can accidentally delete your paper or change
the relationships (only owners can change the relationship).
You may leave it Readable by guest readers, since we expect to have
all papers available on the Web (unless, of course, there are objections).
Change the relationship of "Daniel J. Clancy" to have the Owner, Readable,
Writable relationships. This will ensure that I can download
your papers.
Click on Update Relationships to effect the changes.
You can always click the "Help" link near the top right of the page,
or the "Manual" button at the bottom of the page to get additional