AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium

Hybrid Systems and AI:
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Discrete + Continuous Systems

March 22-24, 1999
Stanford University, California

Held as part of the AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium Series.
Sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

For administrative information, please contact Patti Mora at Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Gates Computer Science Building, 2A, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. Phone: 650-723-9154. Fax: 650-725-5850.

For technical information about the symposium please contact Sheila McIlraith or Gautam Biswas.


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The use of digital computers to control continuous, dynamic processes has contributed to the development of a new field of research which focuses on techniques for analyzing and controlling the behavior of hybrid (discrete + continuous) systems. The hybrid systems community is a cross-disciplinary community that combines modeling and analysis techniques for studying discrete event systems, with techniques from continuous systems and control theory. Hybrid models generally comprise intervals of piecewise continuous behavior interspersed with discrete transitions. Each interval of continuous behavior represents a so-called mode of system operation; transitions between modes are discrete. Examples of hybrid systems include robots, air traffic control systems, chemical plants, autonomous spacecraft control, smart buildings and automated multi-vehicle highway systems.

The growing field of hybrid systems has seen a great deal of activity over the last few years often focusing on synthesis, verification and stability analysis of controllers for hybrid systems. Interestingly, a number of the problems addressed by this community are shared by AI researchers studying robotics, online time-critical computation, planning, simulation, verification, execution monitoring, decision analysis, reasoning about action, diagnosis, modeling and analysis of physical systems, and perception.

This workshop aims to bring together these different communities to explore opportunities for exploiting AI representation and reasoning techniques for hybrid system modeling and analysis, and for integrating techniques from hybrid systems into current AI research.

Symposium Format:

To accommodate the diverse background of the workshop participants, we plan to design the workshop in a manner that will facilitate learning, interaction and discourse among the participants. The format will include:

Submission Topics:

We encourage submissions from ``AI researchers'' and ``Hybrid Systems researchers'' alike. We invite submissions in a broad range of areas related to modeling, analysis and control of hybrid systems. Topics include but are not limited to:

Submission Information:

Potential participants should submit a paper or extended abstract not to exceed 6000 words describing work in progress, completed work, positions, comparisons, testbeds, tutorials, discussion topics or potential panels. Others wishing to attend should submit a one or two page description of their work or interest in this area (including a short list of related publications) or specific questions and issues that they feel should be addressed.

Papers submitted to this symposium are not considered to be archival publications. Hence, authors may submit papers that are under review elsewhere, or that will be published elsewhere in the future.

Authors should submit their papers via the Web using the Postdoc system available from NASA Ames. Postdoc will accept papers in a variety of different formats including postscript, PDF, ascii, and MS Word. For ease of distribution, we would prefer that papers be submitted in either postscript or PDF format. The Postdoc system should be navigable with the instructions available at the web site, but you can READ ME for a copy of the detailed instructions. Thanks to Dan Clancy who will be overseeing our use of this system. If you have any questions about using Postdoc, please contact Dan .

Although submissions via the WWW are preferred, authors may also send hardcopies of their papers to the Symposium co-chairs; 4 copies of each paper must be received by the submission deadline, November 4, 1998 (NOTE CHANGE IN DATE).

Please include postal addresses, electronic mail, fax, and telephone numbers on the cover page of all submitted papers and research descriptions. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by November 13, 1998. Accepted papers should be revised to accommodate the referee comments before final submission for inclusion in the workshop working notes. Camera-ready copies of the final paper are due by January 29, 1999.

For mailing information and other administrative details, please contact Patti Mora at Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Gates Computer Science Building, 2A, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. Phone: 650-723-9154.

For technical information about the symposium please contact Sheila McIlraith or Gautam Biswas.

For general information about the AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium series, please see the AAAI Symposia web site.

Important Dates:

November 4, 1998 Submissions Due to Symposium Chairs
November 13, 1998 Accept/Reject Notices Mailed Out
December 18, 1998 Registration Brochures mailed out by AAAI
January 29, 1999 Camera-ready Papers Due to Symposium Chairs
February 5, 1999 Registration Deadline for Invited Participants
February 26, 1999 Final Open Registration Deadline
March 22-24, 1999 Spring Symposium Series, Stanford University

Program Committee:

  • Gautam Biswas (co-chair), Vanderbilt University
  • Craig Boutillier, University of British Columbia
  • Dan Clancy, NASA Ames
  • Vineet Gupta, NASA Ames
  • Sheila McIlraith (co-chair), Stanford University
  • Illah Nourbakhsh, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Erik Sandewall, Linköping University
  • Henny Sipma, Stanford University
  • Claire Tomlin, Stanford University
  • Howard Wong-Toi, Cadence Berkeley Labs
  • Feng Zhao, Xerox PARC and Ohio State University