
Software Description

Chimaera is a software system that supports users in creating and maintaining distributed ontologies on the web. Two major functions it supports are merging multiple ontologies together and diagnosing individual or multiple ontologies. It supports users in such tasks as loading knowledge bases in differing formats, reorganizing taxonomies, resolving name conflicts, browsing ontologies, editing terms, etc. The user manual may be viewed from here.

For a graphical presentation of Chimaera, run through the tutorial or see this movie. To view this movie, first right-click on the link and select the menu item "Save Link As...". After saving this file to your computer, you can then open it in the normal method to view the movie. Chimaera was built on top of the Ontolingua Distributed Collaborative Ontology Environment. .


McGuinness presents the paper "An Environment for Merging and Testing Large Ontologies" at KR 2000 on April 15, 2000. PowerPoint presentation available.


McGuinness, Deborah L.. "Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ontology Environments." To appear in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptual Structures Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues (ICCS 2000). Darmstadt, Germany. August 14-18, 2000. Abstract. Paper available in Word format and postscript.

McGuinness, Deborah L., Richard Fikes, James Rice, and Steve Wilder. "The Chimaera Ontology Environment." Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2000). Austin, Texas. July 30 - August 3, 2000. Abstract. Paper available in Word format.

McGuinness, Deborah L., Richard Fikes, James Rice, and Steve Wilder. "An Environment for Merging and Testing Large Ontologies." Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2000). Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. April 12-15, 2000. Abstract. Paper available in Word format.

Software Availability

Chimaera is a available over the World Wide Web.

You can access Chimaera with a standard web browser at To use this service you must login. Other services available include: Ontolingua, CML, and Webster.

Trouble logging in? Check here.

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Last modified: Thursday, 21-Dec-2000 16:46:50 PST