This page contains a partial list of talks presented by Virtual Theater
project members.
Press Coverage
- Orange County Register (Dawn C. Chmielewski): Interview on High-Tech
Toys, March 1998.
- Discover Magazine: Report on Awards for Technological Innovation, July
- Wall Street Journal (G. Pascal Zachary): Storytelling and
Technology, 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Building Adaptive Learning Guides", UC Santa Barbara,
November 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "What is a Virtual Person -- Not Just a Pretty Face!",
SIGGRAPH, August 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Adaptive Learning Guides", IASTED Int. Conf. on
Computers and Adv. Tech in Education, Banff, Canada, June 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Building Adaptive Learning Guides", NASA Ames, May
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Adaptive Learning Guides -- Creating Them and Using
Them", SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, May 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Smart Interactive Characters for eLearning and eCRM",
University of Gothenberg, Sweden, May 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Smart Interactive Characters: How to Create Them",
University of Gothenberg, Sweden, May 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Smart Interactive Characters: How They Operate",
University of Gothenberg, Sweden, 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interactive Characters for eLearning and eCRM",
Cornell School of Business, Ithaca, New York, April 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interactive Characters for eLearning and eCRM",
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, April 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Characters Everywhere",
Seminar on People, Computers and Design, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, March 2001
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Adaptive Learning Guides", School of Education,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, January 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Humanizing the Internet", National Academy of Sciences
Panel on Technology and Creativity, January 2001.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Characters Everywhere", Bots 2001 Conference, January
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Characters Everywhere", SRI Speaker Series, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, November 2000.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Characters Everywhere", BayCHI, Palo Alto, CA,
November 2000.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Adaptive Learning Guides", Learning Technology
Seminar, School of Education, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, August
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Adaptive Learning Guides", AOL-Netscape, Mountain
View, CA, August 2000.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interacting with Characters", Plenary Speech,
Info-Tech Conference, Osaka, Japan, November 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Smart Interactive Characters", Keynote, International
Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Florence, Italy, October 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interactive Characters", Keynote, Ireland Conference
on Artificial Inteligence, Cork, Ireland, September 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Characters on the Internet", Gartner Conference on
Internet Electronic Commerce, New York, April 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interactive Characters", Keynote, Conference on
Technology and the Arts, Naples, Italy, April 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, Lecture Series on Agents and Characters, University of
Bari, Bari, Italy, April 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Adaptive Intelligent Agents", Keynote, Western
Multi-Conferences, San Francisco, CA, January 1999.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interacting with Characters," Imagina European
Conference on Images and Technology, Monte Carlo, Monaco, March 1998.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interacting with Characters," Kodak Imagination
Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, March 1998.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interactive Guides," Bay Area Computer Education and
Training Association, San Rafael, March 1998.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interactive Guides," Autodesk, San Rafael, February
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interacting with Characters," Phillips Media Research
Center, Palo Alto, CA, January and February, 1998.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interacting with Characters," NASA Ames Seminar
Series, Palo Alto, CA, January 1998.
- P. Doyle, "Annotating Virtual Worlds," Virtual Worlds and Simulation
Conference, San Diego, CA, January 1998.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Affect and Emotion in the User Interface," Invited to
Chair Panel, Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San Francisco,
January 1998.
- H. Maldonado and A. Picard, "Tigrito: A Multi-Mode Interactive
Improvisational Agent," Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San
Francisco, CA, January 1998.
- P. Doyle, B. Hayes-Roth, R. Huard, K. Isbister, H. Maldonado, A.
Picard, "The Virtual Theater Project," Stanford CSLI Affiliates Tutorials.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Interacting with Characters," MIT Media Lab, October
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Animate Characters," Invited Panelist, The Next Big
Thing, IJCAI, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
- P. Doyle, "An Intelligent Guide for Virtual Environments," IJCAI
Workshop on Animated Interface Agents, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Mastery of Character," IJCAI Workshop on Animated
Interface Agents, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Characters," Virtual Humans Conference, Los Angeles,
CA, August 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Improvisational Actors and Avatars," ART & CSLI
Workshop on Empathy for Interactive Environments, Stanford, June 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Mask and Cyber Mask," Computer Game Developers'
Conference, Santa Clara, CA, April 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Improvisational Characters," NSF-CNPq Workshop Int.
Agents, Porto Alegre, Brazil, March 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "State of the Art of Autonomous Agents," Panel Leader,
First International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Los Angeles, CA,
February 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Storymaking with Improvisational Puppets," First
International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Los Angeles, CA, February
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Improvisational Characters," Intel, Hillsboro, OR,
January 1997.
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Acting in Character," AAAI '96 Invited Talk,
Portland, OR, August 1996
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Directing Improvisational Actors,"
AAAI Workshop on Adaptive Intelligent Agents, Portland, OR, August, 1996
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Agents as Improvisational Puppets, Actors, and Avatars,"
Institute for Systems Science, Singapore, August, 1996
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Agents as Actors,"
Symposium on Internet Agents, Symposium on Media and Network Applications,
Stanford University, May, 1996
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Improvisational Puppets, Actors, and Avatars,"
Computer Game Developers' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, March, 1996
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Intelligent Agents as Improvisational Actors,"
Japan AI Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, November, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Intelligent Agents in Education: Learning Assistants and Learning Toys,"
Symposium on Intelligent Interfaces, Stanford University, November,
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Agents on Stage: Advancing the Art of AI,"
International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI), Montreal, August, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Animated Puppets," IJCAI Workshop on AI and Entertainment, August,
- B. Hayes-Roth, "Directed Improvisation: A Paradigm for Human-Computer
Interaction," IBM, Boca Raton, July, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"AI Environments for Learning through Creative Play,"
International Workshop on Smart Machines & Education, Seaside, FL,
May, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"A Virtual Theater for Children," Volunteers Celebration, Stanford, May, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Animated Puppets in a Virtual Theater, Developmental Psychology, Stanford,
CA, May, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Agents on Stage: Advancing the Art of Artificial Intelligence,"
Invited Lecture, International Joint Conference on AI, Montreal, August, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth (co-authors: K. Isbister, L. Friedlander),
"A Model for Interactive Story Systems,"
Invited Lecture, IJCAI Workshop on AI and Entertainment, August, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth (co-authors: L. Brownston, R. vanGent),
"Multi-agent collaboration in directed improvisation,"
First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, San Francisco, June,
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Experience-based learning in a Virtual Theater Environment,"
International Workshop on Smart Machines & Education, Seaside, FL, May, 1995.
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"A Virtual Theater for Children,"
Celebration of Alumni Volunteers, Stanford, May, 1995
- L. Brownston, R. van Gent, E. Sincoff, B. Hayes-Roth,
(co-authors: R. Huard, B. Lent),
"Animated Puppets Interactive Exhibit,"
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systmes, CHI'95,
Denver, CO, May, 1995.
- B. Hayes-Roth
"Animated Puppets in a Virtual Theater,"
Developmental Psychology Group, Stanford University, May, 1995
- L. Friedlander,
"Design Strategies for Hypermedia,"
Hypermedia Conference, University of Paris, 1995.
- L. Friedlander,
"New technologies and writing strategies,"
Authors Guild Conference, Palo Alto, 1995.
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Directed improvisation: A new paradigm for computer games,"
Computer Game Developers' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, April, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Directed improvisation by computer characters,"
Colloquium Series, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, April, 1995
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Directed improvisation by computer characters,"
Colloquium Series, Institute for Learning Sciences, Northwestern University,
Evanston, April, 1995.
- B. Hayes-Roth (co-authors K. Isbister, L. Friedlander),
"Immersion Story Systems,"
AAAI Symposium on Interactive Story Systems, Stanford, CA, March, 1995
- Katherine Isbister (co-authors: Virtual Theater Project Members),
"Overview of the Virtual Theater Project,"
AAAI Symposium on Interactive Story Systems, Stanford, CA, March, 1995.
- Robert van Gent (co-authors: B. Hayes-Roth, L. Brownston, E. Sincoff),
"Animated Puppets,"
AAAI Symposium on Interactive Story Systems, Stanford, CA, March, 1995.
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Using abstract control plans to guide situated behavior,"
AAAI Symposium on Integrated Planning Applications, Stanford, CA, March,
- B. Hayes-Roth,
"Directed Improvisation by Computer Characters,"
AI Lecture Series, Stanford University, March, 1995
- Barbara Hayes-Roth,
"Directed improvisation by computer characters,"
Visual Programming Series, Stanford CSLI, March, 1995
- Barbara Hayes-Roth,
"Directed improvisation by computer characters,"
Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction, Stanford, February, 1995
- Barbara Hayes-Roth,
"Directed improvisation by computer characters,"
Invited Speaker Series, Apple Advanced Technology Group, Cupertino, January,
- Barbara Hayes-Roth, "Directed improvisation,"
Invited Speaker Series, Microsoft Adv. Technology Center, Bellvue, September,
- Barbara Hayes-Roth,
"Design for a computer-animated improvisational theater,"
AAAI Workshop on AI, the Arts, and Interactive Entertainment, Seattle, WA,
August, 1994
- Barbara Hayes-Roth,
"Children's learning in a computer-animated improvisational theater," Psychology
Department, UC Santa Cruz, May, 1994