The AIS project is no longer active at the KSL (June, 2003).
We are investigating adaptive intelligent systems -- AI systems
that coordinate perception, reasoning and action to pursue multiple goals
while functioning autonomously in dynamic environments. After spending many
years investigating agents with deep knowledge and powerful reasoning
capabilities, our more recent work focuses on more rounded agents
that complement their intelligence with human qualities, such as identity,
personality, affect, relationship, and embodiment.
Former project areas have included:
- Virtual Theater Project -- Agents embodied
as life-like characters for applications related to children, learning,
communication, entertainment and the arts.
- BB1 -- Software system for building
intelligent agents
- Guardian -- An intelligent agent for
monitoring of intensive-care patients.
- AIbots --
Agents to control the behavior of mobile robots performing office tasks.
- Patient Advocate -- Agent to
consult with individuals managing their own medical conditions.
Project Members
Final Project Members (May, 2003)
Project Leader:
Barbara Hayes-Roth
Current Ph.D. students:
Patrick Doyle, Computer Science
Past Project Members
Graduated Ph.D. students
Graduated Masters students
Former visiting scholars, post-doctoral
fellows and research staff
- CS377B: Building Adaptive Learning Guides, Barbara Hayes-Roth and Patrick Doyle, Winter 2001
- CS377E: Design of Adaptive Learning
Guides, Barbara Hayes-Roth and Patrick Doyle, Autumn 2000
- CS377B: Interactive Characters, Barbara Hayes-Roth and Patrick Doyle, Autumn 1999
- English 295: Interactive Narrative and Artificial Intelligence, Barbara Hayes-Roth and Larry Friedlander, Winter 1998
- CS377C/English 295: Interactive Story, Barbara Hayes-Roth and Larry Friedlander, Winter 1997
- CS329: Agent Architectures, Karl Pfleger, Autumn 1997
- CS329: Agent Architectures: Barbara Hayes-Roth and Karl Pfleger, Winter 1996.
- CS320/English 295: Interactive Narrative and Artificial Intelligence, Barbara Hayes-Roth and Larry Friedlander, Winter 1995.
- CS329: Building Blackboard Systems, Barbara Hayes-Roth, Autumn 1987.