uQualification by time
Functions and relations have a time argument
>E.g., (Married Joe Anne
1993) [I.e., “Joe and Anne were married
during 1993.”]
have time intervals associated with them
> Documentation: “A marriage of Joe and Anne during
> Instance-Of: Marriage
> Husband: Joe
> Wife: Anne
> Time-Of: 1993
uSentences “hold true” at times
E.g., (holds (Married Joe Anne) 1993)
[I.e., “Joe and Anne were married during 1993.”]
uTense logics
E.g., (F (Married Joe Anne)) [I.e., “Joe and Anne will be married at some
future time.”]
(and (not (Married Joe Anne))
(P (Married Joe Anne))))
> [I.e., “At some future time Joe and Anne will have been
married and will not be married.”]