A logical formalism |
Syntax for wffs |
Vocabulary of logical symbols (e.g., AND, OR, NOT, =>, <=>) |
Interpretation semantics for the logical symbols |
E.g., “(=> A B)” is true if and only if B is
true or A is false. |
An ontology |
Vocabulary of non-logical symbols |
Relations, functions, constants |
Definitions of non-primitive symbols |
E.g., (<=> (Bachelor ?x) (AND (Man ?x)
(Unmarried ?x))) |
Axioms restricting the interpretations of
primitive symbols |
E.g., (=> (Person ?x) (Gender (Mother ?x)
Female)) |
A proof theory |
Specification of the reasoning steps that are
logically sound |
E.g., From “(=> S1 S2)” and “S1”, conclude
“S2”. |
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) |
First order predicate logic |
Includes numbers, lists, and strings |
Linear ASCII syntax |
In the process of becoming an ANSI standard |
Set of objects about which knowledge is being
expressed |
Universe of discourse |
Objects can be – |
Concrete Clyde, my car |
Abstract Justice, 2 |
Primitive Resister |
Composite Electric circuit |
Fictional Sherlock Holmes |
Objects always in the KIF conceptualization
(i.e., in the ontology) |
Real and complex numbers |
All finite lists of objects |
Words |
ASCII characters |
Finite strings of ASCII characters |
(bottom) |
Set of relations and functions on the objects |
Truth values |
Set of objects about which knowledge is being
expressed |
Universe of discourse |
Set of relations and functions on the objects |
Relation |
Set of finite lists of objects |
E.g., Parent: {(Richard Earl) (Richard
Polly) (Debbie Don) … } |
Mapping: <list of objects> ® <truth
value> |
Function |
Relation that has exactly one nth element for
any given n-1 elements |
E.g, +: {(1 3 4) (17 23 40) (2 7 10 12
31) (2 7 A ^) …} |
Referred to as (arg1, arg2, … , argk, value) |
Mapping: <list of objects> ®
<object> |
Truth values |
true and false |
- a, b,
c, d, e,
table |
Objects |
b, c, d,
e, table |
Relations |
Above: {(a b)
(a c) (b c) (d e)} |
Clear: {(a) (d)} |
Table: {(c) (e)} |
Functions |
On: {(a b)
(b c) (d e)} |
Knowledge Base – Collection of sentences |
Sentence – Expression denoting a statement |
Term – Expression denoting an object |
Words |
Constant |
Word not beginning with “?” or “@” |
E.g., Fred,
Block-A, Justice |
Individual Variable |
Word beginning with “?” |
E.g, ?x,
?The-First-Murderer |
Sequence Variable |
Word beginning with “@” |
E.g, @x,
@The-Other-Murderers |
Function Term |
(<function constant> <term>*
[<sequence variable>]) |
E.g., (plus 2 3) (Father-Of Richard)
(plus 4 ?x @Other-Addends) |
Denotes the object denoted by the “value” of the
function with the given arguments |
Relational Sentence |
(<relation constant> <term>*
[<sequence variable>]) |
E.g, (Parent Richard Earl) (Clear A) (Set-Partition Set1 @Sets) |
– (= <term>
<term>) |
E.g, (= (Father Richard) Earl) (= A B) |
– (/= <term>
<term>) |
E.g, (/= (Father Richard) (Father Bob)) (/= A B) |
Interpretation of a constant – |
^ Þ Bottom |
<object constant other than ^> Þ
<object other than Bottom> |
<logical constant> Þ <truth value> |
<relation constant> Þ <relation> |
<function constant> Þ <function> |
Variable assignment – |
<individual variable> Þ <object> |
<sequence variable> Þ <finite sequence
of objects> |
Semantic value of a term –
<term> Þ <object> |
Defined in terms of an interpretation and
variable assignment |
Truth value of a sentence –
<sentence> Þ {true, false} |
Defined in terms of an interpretation and
variable assignment |
Version of a variable assignment |
Denote “semantic value” by “SIV” |
I is an interpretation |
V is a variable assignment |
Semantic value of a constant |
SIV(<constant>) =
I(<constant>) |
Semantic value of a variable |
SIV(<variable>) =
V(<variable>) |
Semantic value of a function term |
SIV((fn term1 … termn)) = |
The object O such that áSIV(term1)
… SIV (termn) Oñ is a member of set I(fn) |
SIV((fn term1 … termn
@var)) = |
The object O such that áSIV(term1)
… SIV(termn) | V(@var) Oñ is a member of set I(fn) |
Denote “truth value” by “TIV” |
I is an interpretation |
V is a variable assignment |
Logical constants |
Tiv(<constant>) =
I(<constant>) |
Tiv(true) = true |
Tiv(false) = false |
Truth value of a relational sentence |
TIV((rel term1 … termn))
= |
when áSIV(term1), … , SIV (termn)ñ
is a member of set I(rel) |
otherwise |
TIV((rel term1 … termn
@var)) = |
true when áSIV (term1), …
, SIV (termn) | SIV (@var)ñ is a member of
set I(rel) |
otherwise |
Equations |
TIV((= term1 term2)) = |
true when SIV(term1) and SIV(term2)
are the same object |
false otherwise |
Inequalities |
TIV((/= term1 term2)) =
TIV((not (= term1 term2))) |
Negation – (not <sentence>) |
(not (On A D)) (not (On B
B)) |
TIV((not sent)) = |
when TIV(sent) is false |
otherwise |
Conjunction – (and <sentence>*) |
(and (On A B) (On B C)) |
TIV((and sent1 … sentn)) = |
when TIV(senti) is true for all I = 1, … , n |
otherwise |
Disjunction – (or <sentence>*) |
(or (On A D) (On A B)) |
TIV((or sent1 … sentn)) = |
when TIV(senti) is true for some I = 1, … , n |
otherwise |
Implication – (=> <sentence>*
<sentence>) |
(=> (On A B) (On B C)) |
TIV((=> antecedent1 …
antecedentn consequent))
= |
when: |
TIV(antecedenti) is false
for some I = 1, … , n; or |
TIV (consequent) is true |
otherwise |
(=> (On A D) (On D D)) |
TIV((=> a1 … an
c)) = TIV((or
(not a1) … (not an) c)) |
Implication – (<= <sentence>
<sentence>*) |
Logical equivalence – (<=>
<sentence> <sentence>) |
TIV ((sent1 <=> sent2)) = |
when TIV (sent1) = TIV (sent2) |
otherwise |
TIV((<=> s1 s2)) =
TIV((and (=> s1
s2) (=> s2
s1))) |
(if <sentence> <term>
[<term>]) |
E.g, (if
(Above A B) A B) |
SIV((if sent term)) = |
SIV(term) when TIV(sent) = true |
^ otherwise |
SIV((if sent term1 term2)) = |
SIV(term1) when TIV(sent) = true |
SIV(term2) otherwise |
(<sentence> <term>) … (<sentence> <term>)) |
E.g., (cond
((Above A B) A) ((Above B A) B)) |
SIV((cond (sent1 term1) … (sentn termn))) = |
SIV(term1) when TIV(sent1) =
true |
... |
SIV(termn) when TIV(sentn) =
true |
^ otherwise |
Interpretation of a constant – |
<object constant> Þ <object> |
<logical constant> Þ <truth value> |
<relation constant> Þ <relation> |
<function constant> Þ <function> |
Variable assignment – |
<individual variable> Þ <object> |
<sequence variable> Þ <finite sequence
of objects> |
Semantic value of a term –
<term> Þ <object> |
Defined in terms of an interpretation and
variable assignment |
Truth value of a sentence –
<sentence> Þ {true, false} |
Defined in terms of an interpretation and
variable assignment |
Version of a variable assignment |
V’ is a version of a variable assignment V with
respect to variables v1,…,vn if and only if V’ agrees
with V on all variables except v1,…,vn. |
(forall <individual variable>
<sentence>) |
E.g, (forall
?b (not (On ?b ?b))) |
TIV((forall ?var sent)) = |
when TIV’(sent) = true |
for all versions V’ of V with respect to variable ?var |
otherwise |
(forall (<individual variable>*)
<sentence>) |
(forall (?b1 ?b2) (=>
(On ?b1 ?b2)
(Above ?b1 ?b2))) |
TIV ((forall (?var1 … ?varn) sent)) = |
when TIV’(sent) = true |
for all versions V’ of V with respect to ?var1 … ?varn |
otherwise |
(exists <individual variable>
<sentence>) |
(exists ?b (On ?b table)) |
(forall ?b1 (or
(on ?b1 table) (exists ?b2
(On ?b1 ?b2)))) |
TIV((exists ?var sent)) = |
when TIV’(sent) = true |
for some version V’ of V with respect to variable ?var |
otherwise |
(exists (<individual variable>*)
<sentence>) |
(exists (?b1 ?b2) (and
(On ?b1 ?A)
(Above ?A ?b2))) |
TIV ((exists (?var1 … ?varn) sent)) = |
when TIV’(sent) = true |
for some version V’ of V with respect to ?var1 … ?varn |
otherwise |
forall not in the scope of an exists may be
omitted |
E.g, (or
(on ?b1 table) (exists ?b2
(On ?b1 ?b2))) |
Knowledge Base – Collection of sentences |
Sentence – Expression denoting a statement |
Logical constant: true 8 Individual variable:
?tv |
Relational sentence 8 Conjunction |
(Dad Richard Earl) (and (Dad Richard Earl) (Mom Richard Polly)) |
Implication 8 Disjunction |
(Dad ?p ?d) (Parent ?p
?d)) (or (Dad Richard
Earl) (Dad Richard Alfred)) |
Equation 8 Logical equivalence |
(= (Dad
Richard) Earl) (<=>
(Dad ?p ?d) (Father ?p ?d)) |
Inequality 8 Universally quantified sentence |
(/= (Dad
Richard) Fred) (forall ?p
(Parent ?p (Dad ?p))) |
Negation 8 Existentially quantified sentence |
(Dad Richard Fred)) (exists
?d (=> (Person ?p) (Dad ?p ?d))) |
Term – Expression denoting an object |
Object constant: Fred 8 Individual variable:
?The-First-Murderer |
Function term:
(Father Richard) |
“If” logical term 8 “Cond” logical term |
(if (Dad Richard Earl) 1 2) (cond ((Person Joe) P) ((Cat Joe) C)) |
Russell and Norvig, Figure 8.1 |
Objects |
Circuits 8 Terminals |
Signals 8 Gates |
Gate types 8 Signal values |
Relations |
(<terminal> <terminal>) |
(<terminal>) |
… |
Functions |
<gate> ® <gate type> |
(<index> <gate>)
® <input terminal> |
(<index> <gate>)
® <output terminal> |
<terminal> ® <signal value> |
Connected terminals have the same signal |
(=> (Connected ?t1 ?t2) |
(and (Terminal ?t1) (Terminal ?t2) (=
(Signal ?t1) (Signal ?t2)))) |
Relation “Connected” is commutative |
(Connected ?t1 ?t2)
(Connected ?t2 ?t1)) |
Signals are either on or off and only terminals
have signals |
(Signal ?x On) (Signal ?x
Off) (Signal ?x ^)) |
(or (Signal ?t On) (Signal ?t Off)) (Terminal ?t)) |
(/= On Off) |
A gate has at least 1 input terminal and 1
output terminal |
(Gate ?g) (and (Terminal (In ?g 1)) (Terminal (Out ?g 1)))) |
OR gate’s output is off when both of its inputs
are off |
(=> (Type ?g OR) |
(and (Gate ?g) |
(<=> (Signal (Out 1
?g) Off) |
(Signal (In 1 ?g) Off)
(Signal (In 2 ?g) Off))))) |
AND gate’s output is on when both of its inputs
are on |
(=> (Type ?g AND) |
(and (Gate ?g) |
(<=> (Signal (Out 1
?g) On) |
(Signal (In 1 ?g) On) (Signal (In 2 ?g) On))))) |
XOR gate’s output is on when its inputs are
different |
(=> (Type ?g XOR) |
(and (Gate ?g) |
(Terminal (In 2 ?g)) |
(<=> (Signal (Out 1
?g) On) |
(Signal (In 1 ?g)) (Signal
(In 2 ?g))))) |
NOT gate’s output is different from its inputs |
(=> (Type ?g NOT) |
(and (Gate ?g) |
(not (Signal (Out 1 ?g) (Signal (In 1 ?g))))) |
Gates |
(Type X1 XOR) (Type X2
XOR) |
(Type A1 AND) (Type A2
AND) |
(Type O1 OR) |
Connections |
(Out 1 X1) (In 1
X2)) (Connected (In 1
C1) (In 1 X1)) |
(Out 1 X1) (In 2
A2)) (Connected (In 1
C1) (In 1 A1)) |
(Out 1 A2) (In 1
O1)) (Connected (In 2
C1) (In 2 X1)) |
(Out 1 A1) (In 2
O1)) (Connected (In 2
C1) (In 2 A1)) |
(Out 1 X2) (Out 1
C1)) (Connected (In 3
C1) (In 2 X2)) |
(Out 1 O1) (Out 2
C1)) (Connected (In 3
C1) (In 1 A2)) |