RDF is used to specify semantics for data
expressed in XML in a standardized, interoperable manner |
RDF is a simple frame language |
Data is described in relational sentences using
binary relations |
Classes and relations are defined in schema |
Classes are organized in subclass hierarchies |
Domain and range constraints on relations are
supported |
Provides interoperability between applications
that exchange machine-understandable information on the Web |
Resource |
Object in the domain of discourse |
E.g., Web page, portion of Web page, Web site |
Denoted by resource identifier (i.e., object
constant) |
Property |
Binary relation in the domain of discourse |
Used to describe a resource |
Relates resources to other resources or to literals
(constants) |
Statement |
Relational sentence: (Property Subject Object) |
I.e., a slot value |
Subject: a resource |
Object: resource identifier or XML primitive
data type |
Ora Lassila is the creator of the resource
http://www.w3.org/Lassila. |
RDF Statement: |
http://www.w3.org/Lassila |
Creator |
“Ora Lassila” |
KIF equivalent: |
(Creator http://www.w3.org/Lassila “Ora Lassila”) |
Description |
Group of statements about the same resource
(I.e., a frame) |
RDF element |
Wrapper that marks the boundaries in an XML
document of content intended to be mappable into a set of RDF statements |
RDF ::= ‘<RDF’ attributeSpec* ‘>’ |
descriptionElement* ‘</RDF>’ |
Description element |
Identifies the resource being described |
Syntax: |
description ::= ‘<rdf:Description’
idAboutAttr? ‘>’ |
propertyElement* ‘</rdf:Description>’ |
idAboutAttr ::= idAttr | aboutAttr |
aboutAttr ::= ‘about=“’ URI-reference ‘”’ |
idAttr ::= ‘ID= “’ IDsymbol ‘”’ |
Property element |
A property-value pair corresponding to an RDF
statement |
Syntax |
propertyElement ::= ‘<’ propName ‘>’ value
‘</’ propName ‘>’ | |
‘<’ propName resourceAttr ‘/>’ |
value ::= description | string |
resourceAttr ::= ‘resource=“’ URI-reference ‘”’ |
Example description |
Ora Lassila is the creator of the resource
http://www.w3.org/Lassila |
<RDF xmlns =
"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" |
xmlns:s = "http://description.org/schema/"> |
<Description about = "http://www.w3.org/Lassila"> |
<s:Creator> Ora Lassila </s:Creator> |
</Description> |
</RDF> |
“Ora Lassila is the creator of the resource
http://www.w3.org/Lassila.” |
RDF Description: |
<RDF xmlns =
"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" |
xmlns:s = "http://description.org/schema/"> |
<Description about="http://www.w3.org/Lassila"> |
<s:Creator> Ora Lassila </s:Creator> |
</Description> |
</RDF> |
OKBC equivalent: |
http://www.w3.org/Lassila |
“Ora Lassila” |
RDF Statement: |
http://www.w3.org/Lassila |
Creator |
"Ora Lassila” |
<RDF xmlns:dc =
"http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core#"> |
<Description about = "http://www.dlib.org"> |
<dc:Title> D-Lib Program </dc:Title> |
<dc:Description> The D-Lib program … </dc:Description> |
<dc:Publisher> Corporation For National …
</dc:Publisher> |
<dc:Date> 1995-01-07 </dc:Date> |
<dc:Subject> |
<Bag> <li> Research; statistical methods </rdf:li> |
<li> Education, research, related topics </rdf:li> |
<li> Library use Studies </rdf:li> |
</Bag> |
</dc:Subject> |
<dc:Type> World Wide Web Home Page </dc:Type> |
<dc:Format> text/html </dc:Format> |
<dc:Language> en </dc:Language> |
</Description> |
</RDF> |
http://www.dlib.org |
Title: “D-Lib Program” |
Description: “The D-Lib program …” |
Publisher: “Corporation For National …” |
Date: “1995-01-07” |
Subject: (listof “Research; statistical methods” |
“Education, research, related
topics” |
“Library use Studies”) |
Type: “World Wide Web Home Page” |
Format: “text/html” |
Language: “en” |
Classes |
Resource |
Property |
Class |
Literal |
Statement |
Container |
Bag |
Seq |
Alt |
ContainerMembershipProperty |
Properties |
type |
subject |
predicate |
object |
value |
_1, _2, _3, … |
Resource |
Documentation: “The class of all objects.” |
Instance-Of: Class |
Disjoint-Decomposition: (listof Class Property) |
Class |
Documentation: “The class of all classes.” |
Subclass-Of: Resource |
Instance-Of: Class |
Property |
Documentation: “The class of all properties.” |
Subclass-Of: Resource |
Instance-Of: Class |
type |
Documentation: “Class membership property.” |
Instance-Of: Property |
An ontology added to RDF |
Classes [2] |
ConstraintResource |
ConstraintProperty |
Properties [8] |
subClassOf |
subPropertyOf |
seeAlso |
isDefinedBy |
comment |
label |
range |
domain |
subClassOf |
Documentation: “The subset/superset relation
between classes.” |
Instance-Of: Property |
subPropertyOf |
Documentation: “Specifies that one property is a
specialization of another.” |
Instance-Of: Property |
seeAlso |
Documentation: “Specifies a resource that
contains information about the subject resource.” |
Instance-Of: Property |
isDefinedBy |
Documentation: “Specifies the resource defining
the subject resource.” |
Instance-Of: Property |
subPropertyOf: seeAlso |
Resource |
Documentation: “The class of all objects.” |
type: Class |
Disjoint-Decomposition: (listof Class Property) |
Class |
Documentation: “The class of all classes.” |
subClassOf: Resource |
type: Class |
Property |
Documentation: “The class of all properties.” |
subClassOf: Resource |
type: Class |
<rdf:Description ID = "MotorVehicle"> |
<rdf:type resource =
“http://www.w3.org/PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Class” /> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource =
“http.../PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Resource” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
<rdf:Description ID = "PassengerVehicle"> |
<rdf:type resource =
“http://www.w3.org/PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Class” /> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource= “#MotorVehicle” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
<rdf:Description ID = "biologicalParent"> |
<rdf:type resource =
“http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
<rdf:Description ID = "biologicalFather"> |
<rdf:type resource =
“http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property” /> |
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource = “#biologicalParent” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
A class name can be used as an element name |
Example property definition: |
<rdf:Description ID =
"biologicalParent"> |
<rdf:type resource =
"www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property"/> |
</rdf:Description> |
can be written as: |
<rdf:Property ID = “biologicalParent” /> |
Example class definition: |
<rdf:Description ID = "MotorVehicle"> |
<rdf:type resource =
“http://www.w3.org/PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Class” /> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource =
“http.../PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Resource” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
can be written as: |
<rdf:Class ID = "MotorVehicle"> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource =
“http.../PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Resource” /> |
</rdf:Class> |
<rdf:Class ID="MotorVehicle"> |
rdf:resource="http.../PR-rdf-schema-19990303#Resource"/> |
</rdf:Class> |
<rdf:Class ID="PassengerVehicle"> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#MotorVehicle"/> |
</rdf:Class> |
<rdf:Class ID="Van"> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#MotorVehicle"/> |
</rdf:Class> |
<rdf:Class ID="MiniVan"> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Van"/> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#PassengerVehicle"/> |
</rdf:Class> |
Domain and range specification on properties |
Examples: |
<rdf:Description ID = "registeredTo"> |
<rdf:type resource = “www.w3.org/ … rdf-syntax-ns#Property” /> |
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “#MotorVehicle” /> |
<rdfs:range rdf:resource = “#Person” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
<rdf:Description ID = "rearSeatLegRoom"> |
<rdf:type resource = “www.w3.org/ … rdf-syntax-ns#Property” /> |
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “#PassengerVehicle” /> |
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “#Minivan” /> |
<rdfs:range rdf:resource = “www.w3.org/datatypes#Number” /> |
</rdf:Description> |
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf =
"www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" |
xmlns:rdfs =
"//www.w3.org/TR/1999/PR-rdf-schema-19990303#"> |
<rdfs:Class rdf:ID = "Person"> |
<rdfs:comment> The class of people. </rdfs:comment> |
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource = |
“www.classtypes.org/useful_classes#Animal” /> |
</rdfs:Class> |
<rdf:Property ID = "maritalStatus"> |
<rdfs:range rdf:resource = “#MaritalStatus” /> |
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “#Person” /> |
</rdf:Property> |
<rdf:Property ID = "ssn"> |
<rdfs:comment> Social Security Number </rdfs:comment> |
<rdfs:range rdf:resource = |
“http://www.datatypes.org/useful_types#Integer” /> |
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “#Person” /> |
</rdf:Property> |
<rdf:Property ID = "age"> |
<rdfs:range rdf:resource = |
“http://www.datatypes.org/useful_types#Integer” /> |
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource = “#Person” /> |
</rdf:Property> |
<rdfs:Class rdf:ID = “MaritalStatus” /> |
<MaritalStatus rdf:ID = “Married” /> |
<MaritalStatus rdf:ID = “Divorced” /> |
<MaritalStatus rdf:ID = “Single” /> |
<MaritalStatus rdf:ID = “Widowed” /> |
</rdf:RDF> |
Severely lacking in expressive power |
Domain and range constraints rather than
Value-Type |
E.g., can’t define class of people all of whose
children are male |
No cardinality constraints |
Particularly important for “exactly 1” and “at
most 1” |
No decompositions |
Particularly important for “disjoint” and
“exhaustive” |
No axioms |
No negation (!) |
Not useful for checking consistency |
E.g., can’t prove an object is not an instance
of a class |
Basically a typing system |
Does provide identifiers for objects |
Enables referencing and describing |