Thing |
Nothing |
Disjoint |
Restriction |
NonNegativeInteger |
TransitiveProperty |
UniqueProperty |
UnambiguousProperty |
List |
Ontology |
(10 classes) |
equivalentTo |
sameClassAs |
samePropertyAs |
disjointWith |
unionOf |
disjointUnionOf |
intersectionOf |
complementOf |
oneOf |
Namespace declarations |
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf =
"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" |
xmlns:rdfs = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" |
xmlns:daml = "http://www.daml.org/2000/12/daml+oil#" |
xmlns = “http://www.daml.org/2000/12/daml+oil-ex#” > |
Ontology declaration |
<daml:Ontology rdf:about = ""> |
<daml:versionInfo> $Id:
daml+oil-walkthru.html,v 1 …
</daml:versionInfo> |
<rdfs:comment> An example ontology </rdfs:comment> |
<daml:imports rdf:resource =
“http://www.daml.org/2000/12/daml+oil” /> |
</daml:Ontology> |
Definition of a class |
<Class ID = "Animal"> |
<label> Animal </label> |
<comment> |
This class of animals is illustrative of a
number of ontological idioms. |
</comment> |
</Class> |
Definition of an individual |
<Animal ID = “Clyde”> |
<label> Clyde </label> |
<comment> Clyde is an animal.
</comment> |
</Animal> |
Declaring a subclass relationship |
<Class ID = "Male"> |
<subClassOf resource = "#Animal”
/> |
</Class> |
Declaring a property to be a subproperty with
cardinality 1 |
<Property ID = "father"> |
<subProperty resource = "#parent”
/> |
<range resource = "#Man” /> |
<cardinality> 1 </cardinality> |
</Property> |
Declaring an inverse of a property |
<Property ID = "child"> |
<inverseOf resource = "#parent”
/> |
</Property> |
Declaring a class as a subclass of the
complement of another class |
<Class ID = "Car"> |
<comment> no car is a person
</comment> |
<subClassOf> |
<Class> <complementOf resource
= "#Person” /> </Class> |
</subClassOf> |
</Class> |
Declaring a class to be a disjoint union of
multiple classes |
<Class about = "#Person"> |
<comment> every person is a man or a
woman </comment> |
<disjointUnionOf parseType =
"daml:collection"> |
<Class about = "#Man” /> |
<Class about = "#Woman” /> |
</disjointUnionOf> |
</Class> |
Declaring a class to be an intersection of
classes |
<Class ID = "Tall-Man"> |
<intersectionOf parseType =
"daml:collection"> |
<Class about = "#Tall-Thing”
/> |
<Class about = "#Man” /> |
</intersectionOf> |
</Class> |