Eric I. Hsu

Knowledge Systems Lab
Stanford University

my picture Computer Science Department
Gates Building 2A, Room 250
Stanford, CA 94305-9020
Phone: 650-723-6707
Fax: 650-725-5850

email address as JPEG

Hello, I am a research assistant at the Knowledge Systems Lab. We do Artificial Intelligence research focused on knowledge representation and reasoning.

My most recent project has been a demonstration agent for the OWL web ontology language, which is an offshoot of the DAML Semantic Web program.  I would greatly appreciate any comments or questions concerning the demo, so please feel free to e-mail the above address.  Currently, though, we are concentrating on a new government intelligence project.  Specifically, we are creating AI tools to help intelligence analysts draw conclusions from large collections of automatically-compiled data.

I used to work at the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International, and still have a page there listing some research interests and articles. Also, here are some recent workshop papers:

  • Hsu, Eric. Automated Mechanism Design: Type Space and Exponential Auction. Workshop on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents. 2003. ( postscript)

  • Hsu, Eric and McGuinness, Deborah. Wine Agent: Semantic Web Testbed Application. Workshop on Description Logics. 2003. ( postscript)

Last modified: Thu Aug 21 14:33:27 PDT 2003