1,696c1 < < < Web Ontology Language (OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full) < Feature Synopsis Version 1.0 < < < < <
W3C <

Web Ontology Language (OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full)
< Feature Synopsis Version 1.0
< Document superceeded by
< Web Ontology Language (OWL): Overview <

< <

W3C Working Draft January 2, 2002

This version: <
http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/webont/OWLFeatureSynopsis.htm < <
Intermediate Version: <
http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/webont/OWLFeatureSynopsis20Jan2003.htm <
Latest version: <
http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/webont/OWLFeatureSynopsis.htm <
Editors: <
Deborah L. McGuinness (Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University) < dlm@ksl.stanford.edu <
Frank van Harmelen (Free University, Amsterdam) frank.van.harmelen@cs.vu.nl <
< <


< OWL (the Web Ontology Language) < is being designed by the W3C Web Ontology Working Group to provide a < language that can be used for applications that need to understand the content < of information instead of just understanding the human-readable presentation of < content. OWL facilitates greater machine readability of web content than < that supported by XML, < RDF, and RDF-S by providing additional vocabulary for term < descriptions. < The OWL language provides three increasingly expressive < sublanguages: OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full. < This document provides an introduction to OWL by first introducing the < simplest language -- OWL Lite. < OWL DL and OWL Full include the same complete OWL vocabulary < however OWL DL is subject to some constraints discussed in < the < OWL Species discussion in the < OWL Guide. < Since OWL DL and OWL Full include the same vocabulary, they < are handled together in this document. < <

Status of this document


This section describes the status of this document at the time of its < publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C < Recommendations and other technical reports is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/.


This document is a working document for the use by W3C Members and other < interested parties. It may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by other < documents at any time.


This document has been produced by the Web Ontology Working Group, as part < of the W3C Semantic Web < Activity. The goals of the Web Ontology working group are discussed in the < Web Ontology Working Group < charter.


Comments on this document should be sent to the W3C mailing list public-webont-comments@w3.org < (with public < archive).


There are no patent < disclosures related to this work at the time of this writing.

< <

Table of contents

  1. Introduction <
  2. Language < Synopsis <
    1. OWL < Lite Synopsis <
      1. OWL Lite < RDF Schema Features Synopsis <
      2. OWL Lite < Equality and Inequality Synopsis <
      3. OWL Lite < Property Characteristics Synopsis <
      4. OWL Lite < Restricted Cardinality Synopsis <
      5. OWL Lite < Datatypes Synopsis <
      6. OWL Lite < Header Information Synopsis
    2. < OWL DL and OWL Full Synopsis <
      1. OWL < DL and OWL Full Class Axioms Synopsis <
      2. OWL < DL and OWL Full Boolean Combinations of Class Expressions Synopsis <
      3. OWL < DL and OWL Full Arbitrary Cardinality Synopsis <
      4. OWL < DL and OWL Full Filler Information Synopsis
  3. Language < Description of OWL Lite <
    1. OWL < Lite RDF Schema Features <
    2. OWL < Lite Equality and Inequality <
    3. OWL < Lite Property Characteristics <
    4. OWL < Lite Property Type Restrictions <
    5. OWL < Lite Restricted Cardinality <
    6. OWL < Lite Datatypes <
    7. OWL < Lite Header Information
  4. Incremental < Language Description of OWL DL and OWL Full <
  5. Summary <
< <

1. Introduction


This document describes OWL (the Web Ontology Language) < that is being designed by the W3C < Web Ontology Working Group < to provide a language that can be used for applications that need to understand < the content of information, instead of presenting just presenting < human-readable content. OWL can be used to explicitly < represent term vocabularies and the relationships between entities in < these vocabularies. This representation of terms and their interrelationships < creates an ontology. < The ontology language in OWL is more expressive than that in < XML, RDF, and RDF-S, and thus OWL goes beyond these language in < its ability to represent machine readable content on the web. < OWL is a < revision of the DAML+OIL web < ontology language incorporating lessons learned from the design and < application of DAML+OIL.


The goal of this document is to provide a simple introduction to OWL by < providing a language feature listing with very brief feature descriptions. < For a more complete description of OWL, < see the OWL Reference, < the < OWL Guide, < and the OWL < Abstract Syntax and Semantics documents. <


This document begins by describing a subset of the language, called OWL < Lite. The goal of OWL Lite is to provide a language < that is a simpler for tool builders to support than the full OWL language. < One expectation is that tools will facilitate widespread adoption of OWL < and thus the OWL language < designers should attempt to create a language to which tool developers < will flock. < While it is widely appreciated that all of the features in languages such < DAML+OIL are important to some users, it is also understood that languages as < expressive as DAML+OIL may be daunting to some groups who are trying to support < a tool suite for the entire language. In order to provide a language that is < approachable to a wider audience, OWL Lite has been defined a subset of OWL. < OWL Lite attempts to capture many of the commonly used < features of OWL and DAML+OIL. It also attempts to describe a useful language < that provides more than RDF-S meeting the goal of adding functionality that is < important to support web applications. <

< There are two interpretations for the full OWL vocabulary - one used in < OWL DL that is more restricted and one used for OWL Full that is less restrictive. < Since the vocabularies for OWL DL and OWL Full are identical, this document < only distinguishes between the OWL Lite vocabulary and the full OWL vocabulary. < For more on the motivation for OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full, < see the < OWL < Guide. < For more information about the interpretations for OWL DL and OWL Full, < see the < OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics Document. <


2. Language Synopsis

This section contains the < language synopsis for OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full. <

In this document, italicized terms are terms in OWL. < Capitalization in OWL terms in this document is consistent with < capitalization in the reference language document. < Prefixes of rdf: or rdfs: are used when terms are in the RDF or < RDF-S namespaces. Otherwise terms are in the OWL namespace.


2.1 OWL Lite Synopsis

< The list of OWL Lite language constructs is given below. <

2.1.1 OWL Lite RDF Schema Features < Synopsis

< <

2.1.2 OWL Lite Equality and Inequality < Synopsis

< <

2.1.3 OWL Lite Property Characteristics < Synopsis

< <

2.1.4 OWL Lite Restricted Cardinality < Synopsis

< <

2.1.5 OWL Lite Datatypes Synopsis


Following the decisions of RDF Core.

< <

2.1.6 OWL Lite Header Information Synopsis

< <

2.2 OWL DL and Full Synopsis

< The list of OWL DL and OWL Full language constructs that are in addition to < those of OWL Lite are given below. <

2.2.1 OWL Class Axioms Synopsis

< <

2.2.2 OWL Boolean Combinations of Class < Expressions Synopsis

< <

2.2.3 OWL Arbitrary Cardinality Synopsis

< <

2.2.4 OWL Filler Information Synopsis

< <

3. Language Description of OWL Lite

< This section provides an expanded description of < the OWL Lite language features in English. An abstract syntax is used < for presentation of the language. OWL Lite has a subset of < the full OWL language < constructors and has a few limitations. Unlike the full OWL language (and < DAML+OIL), classes can only be defined in terms of named superclasses and only < certain kinds of restrictions can be used. < Equivalence between classes and subclass relationships between classes < are only allowed to be stated on named classes. < Similarly, property restrictions in OWL-Lite use only named classes. < OWL Lite also has a limited notion of cardinality - < the only cardinalities allowed to be explicitly stated are 0 or 1. <

3.1 OWL Lite RDF Schema Features

< OWL can be viewed as an extension of a restricted view of the RDF language. < Therefore every OWL document is an RDF document, but not all RDF documents are OWL < documents. All terms are in the OWL namespace unless explicitly stated < otherwise. Thus, the term Class is more precisely stated as < owl:Class and rdfs:subPropertyOf indicates that < subProperty is from < the rdfs namespace. This document uses the term "individual" < to refer < to objects that belong to classes (e.g., the individual Deborah belongs to the < class Person) as well as to objects that are datatypes (e.g., the individual 4 < is an integer). <

< The following OWL Lite features related to RDF Schema are included. <


3.2 OWL Lite Equality and Inequality

< The following OWL Lite features related to equality or inequality are included. < <

3.3 OWL Lite Property Characteristics

There are < special identifiers in OWL Lite that are used to provide information < concerning properties and their values. < <

3.4 OWL Lite Property Type Restriction

< OWL Lite allows restrictions to be placed on the type < of values for a property. < The following two restrictions are placed on properties with respect to a class < and thus have the impact of limiting the extent of the class with the value < restriction. < < <

3.5 OWL Lite Restricted Cardinality


A limited form of cardinality restrictions have been included in OWL Lite. < OWL (and OWL Lite) cardinality restrictions are referred to as < local restrictions, since they < are stated on properties with respect to a particular class. That is, the < restrictions limit the cardinality of that property on instances of the class. < OWL Lite cardinality restrictions are limited because they only allow statements < concerning cardinalities of value 0 or 1 (they do not allow arbitrary values < for cardinality, as is the case in full OWL).

< < < Alternate namings for these restricted forms of cardinality were discussed. < Current recommendations are to include any such names in a front end system. < More on this topic is available on the publically available webont mail < archives with the most relevant message at < < http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Oct/0063.html. <

3.6 OWL Lite Datatypes

< Datatypes will be included OWL Lite. Thus, for < example, a range could be stated to be XSD:decimal. The exact details < of OWL datatypes are < dependent upon the RDF Core Group's decisions on datatypes for RDF. See < datatypeProperty and objectTypeProperty in the Reference specification for < more information. <

3.7 OWL Lite Header Information

< OWL supports standard notions of ontology referencing, inclusion, and < meta-information. All three levels of OWL include ways of specifying < ontologies to import, < ontology version information, < prior ontology version information, < ontologies known to be backward compatible, < and ontologies known to be incompatible. < < The reference document includes information in its ontology elements section < describing these notions. <

4. Incremental Language Description of OWL DL and OWL FULL

< Both OWL DL and OWL Full use the same vocabulary although OWL DL is subject < to some restrictions. The semantics document explains the distinctions < and limitations. We describe the OWL DL and OWL Full vocabulary that < extends the constructions of < OWL Lite with the following. < <

5. < Summary

This document provides a high level < description of OWL by providing a feature synopsis of OWL Lite < and the full OWL vocabulary used in both OWL DL and OWL Full. < It provides simple English descriptions of the < constructs along with simple examples. It makes no attempt to include a < syntax description. < It references the OWL reference < document, the < < OWL Guide, and the < OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics document for more details. < Previous versions (July 29, 2002, < July < 8, 2002, June < 23, 2002, May < 26, 2002, and May < 15, 2002) of this document provide the historical view of the evolution of < OWL Lite and the issues discussed in its evolution. --- > Web Ontology Language (OWL): Overview

Web Ontology Language (OWL): Overview

W3C Working Draft January 20, 2002

This version:
Latest version:
Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) Frank.van.Harmelen@cs.vu.nl


OWL (the Web Ontology Language)is intended to be used by applications that need to process the content of information instead of just presenting the human-readable content. OWL facilitates greater machine readability of web content than that supported by XML, RDF, and RDF Schema by providing additional vocabulary.The OWL language provides three increasingly expressive sublanguages: OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full.

This document is intended for readers who want to get a first impressionof the capabilities of OWL. It provides an introduction to OWL byinformally describing the features of each of the sublanguages of OWL.Some knowledge of RDF Schema is useful for understanding this document, butnot essential. After this document, interested readers may turn to theOWLGuide for a more detailed descriptions and extensive examples on thefeatures of OWL. The normative formal definition of OWL can be found inthe OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical reports is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

This Overview is a non-normative document, which means that it does notprovide a definitive specification of OWL. The examples and otherexplanatory material in the Overview are provided to help you understandOWL, but they may not always provide definitive or fully-completeanswers. The normative formal definition of OWL can be found inthe OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics.

This document is a working document for the use by W3C Members and other interested parties. It may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by other documents at any time.

This document has been produced by the Web Ontology Working Group, as part of the W3C Semantic Web Activity. The goals of the Web Ontology working group are discussed in the Web Ontology Working Group charter.

Comments on this document should be sent to the W3C mailing list public-webont-comments@w3.org (with public archive).

There are no patent disclosures related to this work at the time of this writing.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Why OWL?
    2. The three sublanguages of OWL
    3. The structure of this document
  2. Language Synopsis
    1. OWL Lite Synopsis
    2. OWL DL and OWL Full Synopsis
  3. Language Description of OWL Lite
    1. OWL Lite RDF Schema Features
    2. OWL Lite Equality and Inequality
    3. OWL Lite Property Characteristics
    4. OWL Lite Property Type Restrictions
    5. OWL Lite Restricted Cardinality
    6. OWL Lite Datatypes
    7. OWL Lite Header Information
  4. Incremental Language Description of OWL DL and OWL Full
  5. Summary

1. Introduction

This document describes OWL (the Web Ontology Language).OWL is intended to be used by applications that need to process the content of information, instead of presenting just human-readable content. OWL can be used to explicitly represent term vocabularies and the relationships between entities in these vocabularies. This representation of terms and their interrelationshipscreates an ontology. The ontology language in OWL is more expressive than that inXML, RDF, and RDF-S, and thus OWL goes beyond these language inits ability to represent machine readable content on the web.OWL is a revision of the DAML+OIL web ontology language incorporating lessons learned from the design and application of DAML+OIL.

The goal of this document is to provide a simple introduction to OWL by providing a language feature listing with very brief feature descriptions. For a more complete description of OWL, see the OWL Reference,the OWL Guide for an extended example, and the OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics document for the normative formaldescription of OWL.

1.1 Why OWL?

The Semantic Web is a vision for the future of the Web in whichinformation is given explicit meaning, making it easier for machines toautomatically process and integrate information available on theWeb. The Semantic Web will build on XML's ability to define customizedtagging schemes and RDF's flexible approach to representing data. Thenext element required for the Semantic Web is a Web Ontology Language(OWL) which can formally describe the meaning of the terminology usedin web documents. In order for machines to perform useful reasoningtasks on these documents, the language must go beyond the basicsemantics of RDF Schema. TheOWL Requirements Documentdiscusses more in detail "What is ontology", motivates the need for a Web Ontology Language in terms ofsix usecases", formulatesdesign goals,requirementsandobjectivesfor OWL.

OWL is part of a "stack" of Semantic Web related W3C recommendations, inthe following way:

provides a surface syntax for structured documents, but emposes nosemantic constraints on the meaning of these documents.
XML Schema
is a language for restricting the structure of XML documents
is a datamodel for objects ("resources") and relations between them,provides a simple semantics for this datamodel, and these datamodels can berepresented in an XML syntax.
is a vocabulary for describing properties and classes ofRDF resources, with a semantics for generalisation-hierarchies of such properties and classes.
adds more vocabulary for describing properties and classes:among others, relations between classes (e.g. disjointness)cardinality (e.g. "exactly one"), equality, richer typing of properties,characteristics of properties (e.g. symmetry), and enumerated classes.

1.2 The three sublanguages of OWL

The OWL language provides three increasingly expressive sublanguagesdesigned for use by specific communities of implementers and users.

Each of these sublanguages is an extension of its simpler predecessor, bothin what can be legally expressed and in what can be validly concluded.The following set of relations hold. Their inverses do not.

Ontology developers adopting OWL should consider which species best suits their needs. The choice between OWL Lite and OWL DL depends on the extent to which users require the more expressive restriction constructs provided by the full language. The choice between OWL DL and OWL Full mainly depends on the extent to which users require the meta-modelling facilities of RDF Schema (e.g. defining classes of classes, attaching properties to classes). When using OWL Full as compared to OWL DL, reasoning support is less predictable.

1.3 The structure of this document

This document first describes the language elements from OWL Lite,followed by a description from the language elements that are added inOWL DL and OWL Full (OWL DL and OWL Full contain the same languageelements; OWL Full is more liberal about how these language elements canbe combined)

2. Language Synopsis

Thisprovides a quick index to all the language featuresfor OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full.

In this document, italicized terms are terms in OWL. Prefixes of rdf: or rdfs: are used when terms are already presentin RDF or RDF Schema. Otherwise terms are introduced by OWL.

2.1 OWL Lite Synopsis

The list of OWL Lite language constructs are given below.
@@ These should all be hyperlinked to the relevant sections

RDF Schema Features: (In)Equality: Property Characteristics:
Restricted Cardinality:Header Information:Datatypes:
  • Following the decisions of RDF Core.

2.2 OWL DL and Full Synopsis

The list of OWL DL and OWL Full language constructs that are in addition tothose of OWL Lite are given below.
@@ These should all be hyperlinked to the relevant sections

Class Axioms:Boolean Combinations of Class Expressions:
Arbitrary Cardinality:Filler Information:

3. Language Description of OWL Lite

This section provides an informal description ofthe OWL Lite language features in English. We do not discuss thespecific syntax of these features (see the OWL Guide for examples, and the OWL Reference for definitons). OWL Lite has a subset of the full OWL language constructors and has a few limitations w.r.t. OWL DL and OWL Full.Classes can only be defined in terms of named superclasses(superclasses cannot be arbitrary logical expressions), and only certain kinds of class restrictions can be used. Equivalence between classes and subclass relationships between classesare also only allowed to be stated on named classes,and not between arbitrary class expressions. Similarly, property restrictions in OWL-Lite use only named classes.OWL Lite also has a limited notion of cardinality - the only cardinalities allowed to be explicitly stated are 0 or 1.

3.1 OWL Lite RDF Schema Features

OWL can be viewed as an extension of a restricted view of the RDF language.Therefore every OWL document is an RDF document, but not all RDF documents are OWL documents. All terms are in the OWL namespace unless explicitly stated otherwise. Thus, the term Class is more precisely stated as owl:Class and rdfs:subPropertyOf indicates that subProperty is from the rdfs namespace. This document uses the term "individual"to refer to objects that belong to classes (e.g., the individual Deborah belongs to the class Person) as well as to objects that are datatypes (e.g., the individual 4 is an integer).

The following OWL Lite features related to RDF Schema are included.

3.2 OWL Lite Equality and Inequality

The following OWL Lite features related to equality or inequality are included.

3.3 OWL Lite Property Characteristics

There are special identifiers in OWL Lite that are used to provide information concerning properties and their values.

3.4 OWL Lite Property Type Restriction

OWL Lite allows restrictions to be placed on the type of values for a property. The following two restrictions are placed on properties with respect to a classand thus have the impact of limiting the extent of the class with the valuerestriction.

3.5 OWL Lite Restricted Cardinality

A limited form of cardinality restrictions have been included in OWL Lite. OWL (and OWL Lite) cardinality restrictions are referred to as local restrictions, since they are stated on properties with respect to a particular class. That is, the restrictions limit the cardinality of that property on instances of the class. OWL Lite cardinality restrictions are limited because they only allow statementsconcerning cardinalities of value 0 or 1 (they do not allow arbitrary values for cardinality, as is the case in full OWL).

Alternate namings for these restricted forms of cardinality were discussed.Current recommendations are to include any such names in a front end system.More on this topic is available on the publically available webont mail archives with the most relevant message athttp://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Oct/0063.html.

3.6 OWL Lite Datatypes

Datatypes will be included OWL Lite. Thus, for example, a range could be stated to be XSD:decimal. The exact details of OWL datatypes are dependent upon the RDF Core Group's decisions on datatypes for RDF. See datatypeProperty and objectTypeProperty in the Reference specification for more information.

3.7 OWL Lite Header Information

OWL supports standard notions of ontology referencing, inclusion, and meta-information. All three levels of OWL include ways of specifyingontologies to import, ontology version information,prior ontology version information, ontologies known to be backward compatible,and ontologies known to be incompatible. The reference document includes information in its ontology elements sectiondescribing these notions.

4. Incremental Language Description of OWL DL and OWL FULL

Both OWL DL and OWL Full use the same vocabulary although OWL DL is subjectto some restrictions. Roughly, OWL DL requirestype separation (a class can not also be an individual or property, aproperty can not also be an individual or class). This implies thatrestrictions cannot be applied to the language elements of OWL itself(something that is allowed in OWL Full). Furthermore, OWL DL requiresthat properties are either ObjectProperties or DatatypeProperties: DatatypeProperties arerelations between instances of classes and RDF literals and XML Schemadatatypes, while ObjectProperties are relations between instances of twoclasses. The semantics document explains the distinctionsand limitations. We describe the OWL DL and OWL Full vocabulary that extends the constructions of OWL Lite with the following.

5. Summary

This document provides a high level description of OWL by providing a feature synopsis of OWL Lite and the full OWL vocabulary used in both OWL DL and OWL Full.It provides simple English descriptions of the constructs along with simple examples. It makes no attempt to include a syntax description.It references the OWL reference document, theOWL Guide, and the OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics document for more details. Previous versions (July 29, 2002,July 8, 2002, June 23, 2002, May 26, 2002, and May 15, 2002) of this document provide the historical view of the evolution of OWL Lite and the issues discussed in its evolution.