The OWL Web Ontology Language
is being designed by the W3C Web Ontology Working Group in order to provide a
language that can be used for applications that need to understand the content
of information instead of just understanding the human-readable presentation of
content. OWL facilitates greater machine readability of web content than XML,
RDF, and RDF-S support by providing a additional vocabulary for term
descriptions. This document provides an introduction to the OWL language. It
first describes a simpler version of the full OWL language which is referred to
as OWL Lite and then describes OWL by addition to OWL Lite.
Status of this document
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its
publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C
Recommendations and other technical reports is available at
This document is a working document for the use by W3C Members and other
interested parties. It may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by other
documents at any time.
This document has been produced by the Web Ontology Working Group, as part
of the W3C Semantic Web
Activity. The goals of the Web Ontology working group are discussed in the
Web Ontology Working Group
Comments on this document should be sent to the W3C mailing list
(with public
There are no patent
disclosures related to this work at the time of this writing.
- Motivation
- Language
Lite Synopsis
- OWL Lite
RDF Schema Features Synopsis
- OWL Lite
Equality and Inequality Synopsis
- OWL Lite
Property Characteristics Synopsis
- OWL Lite
Restricted Cardinality Synopsis
- OWL Lite
Datatypes Synopsis
- OWL Lite
Header Information Synopsis
Class Axioms Synopsis
Boolean Combinations of Class Expressions Synopsis
Arbitrary Cardinality Synopsis
Filler Information Synopsis
- Language
Description of OWL Lite
Lite RDF Schema Features
Lite Equality and Inequality
Lite Property Characteristics
Lite Restricted Cardinality
Lite Datatypes
Lite Header Information
- Incremental
Language Description of OWL
- Summary
1. Introduction
The OWL Web Ontology Language is being designed by the W3C Web Ontology Working Group in order
to provide a language that can be used for applications that need to understand
the content of information instead of just understanding the human-readable
presentation of content. The OWL language can be used to allow the explicit
representation of term vocabularies and the relationships between entities in
these vocabularies. In this way, the language goes beyond XML, RDF and RDF-S in
allowing greater machine readable content on the web. The OWL language is a
revision of the DAML+OIL web
ontology language incorporating learnings from the design and application
use of DAML+OIL.
The goal of this document is to provide a simple introduction to OWL by
providing a language feature listing with very brief feature descriptions.
Please see the OWL reference description
document and the OWL Web Ontology
Language 1.0 Abstract Syntax document for a more complete description of
This document begins by describing a subset of the entire language called OWL
Lite. The goal of OWL Lite is to provide a language that is viewed by tool
builders to be easy enough and useful enough to support. One expectation is that
tools will facilitate the widespread adoption of OWL and thus OWL language
designers should attempt to create a language that tool developers will flock
to. While it is widely appreciated that all of the features in languages such
DAML+OIL are important to some users, it is also understood that languages as
expressive as DAML+OIL may be daunting to some groups who are trying to support
a tool suite for the entire language. In order to provide a target that is
approachable to a wider audience, a smaller language has been defined, now
referred to as OWL Lite. OWL Lite attempts to capture many of the commonly used
features of OWL and DAML+OIL. It also attempts to describe a useful language
that provides more than RDFS with the goal of adding functionality that is
important in order to support web applications.
2. Language Synopsis
This section contains the
language synopsis for OWL Lite and OWL.
In the document, italicized terms are terms in the OWL language.
Capitalization is used consistently in those terms with the way they are used in
the language. Prefixes of rdf: or rdfs: are used when terms are in the RDF or
RDF-S namespaces. Otherwise terms are in the OWL namespace.
2.1 OWL Lite Synopsis
The expanded summary
listing of OWL Lite is:
2.1.1 OWL Lite RDF Schema Features
- Class
- rdf:Property
- rdfs:subClassOf
- rdfs:subPropertyOf
- rdfs:domain
- rdfs:range
- Individual
2.1.2 OWL Lite Equality and Inequality
- sameClassAs
- samePropertyAs
- sameIndividualAs
- differentIndividualFrom
2.1.3 OWL Lite Property Characteristics
- inverseOf
- TransitiveProperty
- SymmetricProperty
- FunctionalProperty (unique)
- InverseFunctionalProperty (unambiguous)
- allValuesFrom (universal local range restrictions; previously
- someValuesFrom (existential local range restrictions; previously
2.1.4 OWL Lite Restricted Cardinality
- minCardinality (restricted to 0 or 1)
- maxCardinality (restricted to 0 or 1)
- cardinality (restricted to 0 or 1)
2.1.5 OWL Lite Datatypes Synopsis
Following the decisions of RDF Core.
2.1.6 OWL Lite Header Information Synopsis
- imports
- Dublin Core Metadata
- versionInfo
2.2 OWL Synopsis
The expanded summary listing
of OWL adds the following:
2.2.1 OWL Class Axioms Synopsis
- oneOf (enumerated classes)
- disjointWith
- sameClassAs applied to class expressions
- rdfs:subClassOf applied to class expressions
2.2.2 OWL Boolean Combinations of Class
Expressions Synopsis
- unionOf
- intersectionOf
- complementOf
2.2.3 OWL Arbitrary Cardinality Synopsis
- minCardinality
- maxCardinality
- cardinality
2.2.4 OWL Filler Information Synopsis
- hasValue Descriptions can include specific value information
The next section contains an expanded description of the language.
3. Language Description of OWL Lite
This section
discusses the OWL Lite language features in English. An abstract syntax is used
for presentation of the language. OWL Lite has a subset of the full OWL language
constructors and has a few limitations. Unlike the full OWL language (and
DAML+OIL), classes can only be defined in terms of named superclasses and only
certain kinds of restrictions can be used. Equivalence for classes, and subclass
between classes are all only allowed on named classes. Similarly, property
restrictions in OWL-Lite use named classes. OWL Lite also has a limited notion
of cardinality - the only cardinalities allowed to be explicitly stated are 0 or
3.1 OWL Lite RDF Schema Features
OWL can be
viewed as an extension of a restricted view of the RDF language. This implies
that every OWL document is an RDF document, but not all RDF documents are OWL
documents. All terms are in the OWL namespace unless explicitly stated
otherwise. Thus, the term Class is more precisely stated as
owl:Class and rdfs:subPropertyOf shows that subProperty is from
the rdfs namespace. This document uses the term individual to refer
to objects that belong to classes (e.g., the individual deborah belongs to the
class person) as well as to objects that are datatypes (e.g., the individual 4
is an integer).
- Class: Classes can be made to be equivalent to or subclasses
of intersections of other classes or restrictions. There is a builtin most
general class named Thing that is the class of all individuals and the
superclass of all classes. We may choose to make a new subclass of the class
Thing named Mammal. (Later we may choose to refine Mammal to include
additional information). We may also create a new class named Person that is a
subclass of Mammal. From this a reasoner can deduce that any instance of the
class Person is also an instance of the class Mammal. Note, there is no
limitation on cycle creation in subclass hierarchies.
- rdfs:Property: A term that will be used as a relationship
between individuals is a property. Examples of properties would include:
hasChild, hasRelative, hasSibling, hasAge, etc. The first three would be
expected to relate an instance of a class person to another instance of the
class person and the last one (hasAge) would be expected to relate an instance
of the class person to an instance of the datatype Integer.
- rdfs:subClassOf: Class hierarchies may be created by stating
that classes are subclasses of other classes. For example, the class person
could be stated to be a subclass of the class mammal. From this a reasoner may
deduce that if X is a person, then X is a mammal.
- rdfs:subPropertyOf: Property hierarchies may be created by
stating that some properties are subproperties of other properties. For
example, hasSibling may be stated to be a subproperty of hasRelative. From
this a reasoner may deduce that if X is related to Y by the hasSibling
property, then X is also related to Y by the hasRelative property.
- rdfs:domain: Properties may be stated to have domains,
(i.e., if X is related to Y by a property p with a domain class, then X must
be an instance of the domain class). For example, the property hasChild may be
stated to have the domain of Mammal. From this a reasoner may deduce that if X
is related to Y by the hasChild property, i.e., Y is the child of X, then X is
a Mammal. Note that these are called global restrictions since the restriction
is stated on the property and not just on the property when it is associated
with a particular class. See the discussion below on local restrictions for
more information.
- rdfs:range: Properties may be stated to have ranges, (i.e.,
if X is related to Y by a property p with a range class, then Y must be an
instance of the range class). For example, the property hasChild may be stated
to have the range of Mammal. From this a reasoner may deduce that if Louise is
related to Deborah by the hasChild property, i.e., Deborah is the child of
Louise, then Deborah is a Mammal. Range is also a global restriction as is
domain above. See the discussion below on local restrictions for more
- Individual: Individuals may be described as an instance of a class
and properties may also be used to relate one individual to another. For
example, an individual named Deborah may be described as an instance of the
class person and the property hasEmployer may be used to relate the individual
Deborah to the individual StanfordUniversity. For the syntax used for defining
individuals, please see the reference description document.
3.2 OWL Lite Equality and Inequality
following features related to equality or inequality are included:
- sameClassAs: Two classes may be stated to be the same (i.e.,
they may be stated to be different names for the same set of individuals).
This can be used e.g., for creating synonymous classes. For example, Car can
be stated to be sameClassAs Automobile. From this a reasoner may deduce
that any individual that is an instance of Car is also an instance of
Automobile and vice versa.
- samePropertyAs: Two properties may be stated to be the same.
This may be used to create synonymous properties. For example, hasLeader may
be stated to be the samePropertyAs hasHead. From this a reasoner may
deduce that if X is related to Y by the property hasLeader, X is also related
to Y by the property hasHead and vice versa. The reasoner can also deduce that
hasLeader is a subproperty of hasHead and hasHead is a subProperty of
- sameIndividualAs: Two individuals may be stated to be the
same. This may be used to create a number of different names that may be used
to refer to the same individual. For example, we may state that the individual
Deborah is the same individual as DeborahMcGuinness.
- differentIndividualFrom: Two individuals may be stated to be
different from each other. For example, the individuals Frank and Deborah may
be stated to be different from each other. From this, the reasoner can deduce
that Frank and Deborah refer to two unique individuals. Thus, if the
individuals Frank and Deborah are both values for a property that is stated to
be functional (thus the property has at most one value), then there is a
contradiction. Stating differences can be important in systems such as OWL
(and RDF) that do not assume that individuals have one and only one name. For
example, OWL with no additional information, will not deduce that Frank and
Deborah refer to distinct individuals.
3.3 OWL Lite Property Characteristics
There are
special identifiers in OWL Lite and OWL that are used to provide information
concerning properties and their values.
- inverseOf: One property may be stated to be the inverse of
another property. For example, if the property P1 is stated to be the inverse
of the property P2, then if X is related to Y by the P2 property, then Y is
related to X by the P1 property. For example, if hasChild is the inverse of
hasParent and Deborah hasParent Louise, then a reasoner may deduce that Louise
hasChild Deborah.
- TransitiveProperty: Properties may be stated to be
transitive. If a property is transitive, then if the pair (x,y) is an instance
of the transitive property P, and the pair (y,z) is an instance of P, then the
pair (x,z) is also an instance of P. For example, if ancestor is stated to be
transitive, and if Sara is an ancestor of Louise (i.e., (Sara,Louise) is an
instance of ancestor) and Louise is an ancestor of Deborah (i.e.,
(Louise,Deborah) is an instance of ancestor), then a reasoner may deduce that
Sara is an ancestor of Deborah (i.e., (Sara,Deborah) is an instance of
The same DAML+OIL side conditions hold that restrict transitive
properties (and their superproperties) from having an atmost1 or an exactly1
restriction. See the property axiom section of the abstract syntax document
for more information.
- SymmetricProperty: Properties may be stated to be symmetric.
If a property is symmetric, then if the pair (x,y) is an instance of the
symmetric property P, then the pair (y,x) is also an instance of P. For
example, friend may be stated to be a symmetric property. Then a reasoner that
is given that Frank is the friend of Deborah can deduce that Deborah is a
friend of Frank. Note of course that properties must have appropriate domains
and ranges in order to be made symmetric.
- FunctionalProperty : Properties may be stated to have unique
value. If a property is a FunctionalProperty, then it has no more than one
value. It may have no values. This is has been referred to as a unique
property. Another way of saying this is that the property's minimum
cardinality is zero and its maximum cardinality is 1. For example,
hasPrimaryEmployer may be stated to be a FunctionalProperty. If an individual
instance of person has a primary employer, then that individual may not have
more than one primary employer. This does not state that every person must
have at least one primary employer however. This proposal includes the same
side condition as is stated in the DAML+OIL specification that does not allow
transitive properties nor any of their superproperties to be declared
functional. For more information on the details of the limitation, see the
Warning under the property element section of the DAML+OIL reference
description or in a research
paper by Horrocks, Sattler, and Tobies showing the undecidability that
would follow from violating this restriction. This name is still under
discussion. Please see the Reference Description Document for more
- InverseFunctionalProperty (unambiguous): Properties may be
stated to be inverse functional. If a property is inverse functional then the
inverse of the property is functional. Thus the inverse of the property has at
most one value. This has also been referred to as an unambiguous property. For
example, hasUSSocialSecurityNumber (a unique identifier for United States
residents) may be stated to be inverse functional (or unambiguous). The
inverse of this (which may be referred to as isTheSocialSecurityNumberFor) has
at most one value. Thus any one person's social security number is the only
value for their hasUSSocialSecurityNumber property. From this a reasoner may
deduce that no two different individual instances of Person have the identical
US Social Security Number. Also, a reasoner may deduce that if two instances
of Person have the same social security number, then those two instances refer
to the same individual. Please see the Reference Description Document for more
OWL Lite allows restrictions to be placed on the type of
values for a property.
- allValuesFrom (toClass in DAML+OIL): allValuesFrom is stated
on a property with respect to a class. A property on a particular class may
have a local range restriction associated with it. This means that if an
individual instance of the class is related by the property to a second
individual, then the second individual can be inferred to be an instance of
the local range restriction class. For example, the class person may have a
property called hasOffspring restricted to have allValuesFrom the class
person. This means that if an individual person Louise is related by the
property hasOffspring to the individual Deborah, then from this a reasoner can
deduce that Deborah is an instance of the class person. This allows the
property hasOffspring to be used with other classes, possibly the class Cat
and have an appropriate value restriction associated with the use of the
property on that class. In this case, hasOffspring would have the local range
restriction of Cat when associated with the class cat and would have the local
range restriction Person when associated with the class Person. Note that the
reasoner can not deduce from an allValuesFrom restriction alone that there is
at least one value for the property.
- someValuesFrom: (hasClass in DAML+OIL):
someValuesFrom is stated on a property with respect to a class. A
particular class may have a restriction on a property that at least one value
for that property is of a certain type. For example, the class
SemanticWebPaper may have a someValuesFrom restriction on the
hasKeyword property that states that some value for the hasKeyword
property should be an instance of the class SemanticWebTopic. This allows for
the option of having multiple keywords and as long as one or more is an
instance of the class SemanticWebTopic, then the paper would be consistent
with the someValuesFrom restriction. Unlike allValuesFrom,
someValuesFrom does not restrict all the values of the property to be
instances of the same class. If myPaper is an individual instance of the
SemanticWebPaper class, then myPaper is related by the hasKeyword
property to at least one individual instance of the SemanticWebTopic class.
Note that the reasoner can not deduce (as it could with allValuesFrom
restrictions) that all values of hasKeyword are instances of the
SemanticWebTopic class
3.4 OWL Lite Restricted Cardinality
A limited form of cardinality restrictions have been included in OWL Lite.
OWL cardinality restrictions are referred to as local restrictions since they
are stated on properties with respect to a particular class. That is, the
restrictions limit the cardinality of that property on instances of the class.
OWL Lite cardinality restrictions are limited because they only allow statements
concerning cardinalities of value 0 or 1 (and do not allow arbitrary values for
cardinality as is the case in the full OWL language).
- minCardinality: Cardinality is stated on a property with
respect to a particular class. If a minCardinality of 1 is stated on a
property with respect to a class, then any instance of that class will be
related to at least one individual by that property. This is another way of
saying that the property is required for all individual instances of
the class. For example, the class parent may have a minimum cardinality of 1
on the hasOffspring property. From this a reasoner may deduce that that any
individual instance of the class person, such as Louise, is related to at
least one individual by the hasOffspring property. From this information
alone, the reasoner may not deduce any maximum number of offspring for
individual instances of the class parent. In OWL Lite the only minimum
cardinalities allowed are 0 or 1. A minimum cardinality of zero on a property
just states that (in the absence of any more specific information) that
property is optional with respect to a class. For example, the property has
Offspring may have a minimum cardinality of zero on the class person (while it
is stated to have the more specific information of minimum cardinality of one
on the class parent).
- maxCardinality: Cardinality is stated on a property with
respect to a particular class. If a maxCardinality of 1 is stated on a
property with respect to a class, then any instance of that class will be
related to at most one individual by that property. This is sometimes called a
functional or unique property. For example, the property
hasRegisteredVotingState on the class UnitedStatesCitizens may have a maximum
cardinality of one (because people are only allowed to vote in only one
state). From this a reasoner can deduce that individual instances of the class
USCitizens may not be related to two or more distinct individuals through the
hasRegisteredVotingState property. From a maximum cardinality one restriction
alone, a reasoner may not deduce a minimum cardinality of 1. It may be useful
to state that certain classes have no values for a particular property. For
example, instances of the class UnmarriedPerson should not be related to
any individuals by the property hasSpouse. This is represented by a
maximum cardinality of zero on the hasSpouse property on the class
- cardinality: Cardinality is provided as a convenience when
it is useful to state that a property on a class has both
minCardinality 0 and maxCardinality 0 or both
minCardinality 1 and maxCardinality 1. For example, the class
person has exactly one value for the property hasBirthMother. From this a
reasoner may deduce that no two distinct individual Mothers may be values for
the hasBirthMother property of the same person.
3.5 OWL Lite Datatypes
- Datatypes will be included in the OWL Lite language. Thus, for
example a range could be stated to be XSD:decimal. The exact details of this
is dependent upon the RDF core group's decisions on datatypes for RDF. See
datatypeProperty and objectTypeProperty in the Reference specification for
more information.
3.6 OWL Lite Header Information
- imports: Each imports statement references another OWL
ontology containing definitions that apply to the current ontology. Each
reference consists of a URI specifying from where the ontology is to be
imported from. Imports statements are transitive, that is, if ontology A
imports B, and B imports C, then A imports both B and C. Importing an ontology
into itself is considered a null action. If ontology A imports B and B imports
A, then they are considered to be equivalent.
- Dublin Core MetaData: Ontologies also have a non-logical component
(not yet specified) that can be used to record authorship, and other
non-logical information associated with a ontology. A prime candidate is to
associate with the ontology attributes from the Dublin Core Metadata standard.
- versionInfo: The versionInfo element generally contains a
string giving information about this version, for example RCS/CVS keywords.
This element does not contribute to the logical meaning of the ontology.
4. Incremental Language Description of OWL
Full OWL
extends the constructions of OWL Lite with the following:
- oneOf (enumerated classes): Classes can be described by
enumeration of the individuals that make up the class. The members of the
class are exactly the set of enumerated individuals; no more, no less. For
example, the class of daysOfTheWeek can be described by simply enumerating the
individuals Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
From this a reasoner could deduce the maximum cardinality (7) of any property
that has daysOfTheWeek as its allValuesFrom restriction.
- hasValue (property values): A property can be required to
have a certain individual as a value (also sometimes referred to as property
fillers). For example, instances of the class of dutchCitizens can be
characterized as those people that have theNetherlands as a value of their
nationality. (Where theNetherlands itself is an instance of the class of all
- disjointWith: The full OWL language allows the statement
that classes are disjoint, for example stating that man and woman are disjoint
classes, that is they are disjoint with each other. From this a reasoner could
conclude an inconsistency when an individual is stated to be an instance of
both and similarly could deduce that if A is an instance of Man, then A is
not an instance of Woman.
- unionOf, complementOf, and intersectionOf (Boolean
combinations): OWL allows arbitrary Boolean combinations of classes:
IntersectionOf, UnionOf, and complementOf. For example, taking the
intersection of the class of Dutch citizens with the class of senior citizens
describes the class of Dutch senior citizens. Using complement, we could state
that children are not senior citizens (i.e. the class children is a subclass
of the complement of senior citizens). Citizenship of the European Union could
be described as the union of the citizenship of all member states.
- minCardinality, maxCardinality, cardinality (full
cardinality): While in OWL Lite, cardinalities are restricted to at least, at
most or exactly 1 or 0, full OWL allows cardinality statements for arbitrary
non-negative integers. For example the class of DINKs ("Dual Income, No Kids")
would restrict the cardinality of the property hasIncome to a minimum
cardinality of two (while the property hasChild would have be restricted to
cardinality 0).
- complex classes : In many places, OWL Lite restricts the syntax to
single class names (e.g. in subClassOf or equivalentClass statements). Full
OWL extends this to allowing in those places arbitrarily complex class
descriptions, consisting of enumerated classes, property restrictions, and
Boolean combinations of these. OWL also includes a special "bottom" class with
the name Nothing that is the empty class.
This document provides a high level
description of the OWL language by providing a feature synopsis of both OWL Lite
and the full OWL language. It provides simple English descriptions of the
constructors along with a simple example. It makes no attempt to include a
syntax. It references the OWL reference
description document and the OWL
Web Ontology Language 1.0 Abstract Syntax document for a more details.
Previous versions ( July
8, 2002, June
23, 2002, May
26, 2002, and May
15, 2002) of the document provided the historical view of the evolution of
OWL Lite and the issues discussed in its evolution.