Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integration
AAAI/SSS Workshop, March 26-28, 2008, Stanford U., CA
We welcome full papers, extended abstracts, position statements, as well as panel proposals (indicating the names, affiliations, and email addresses for all panelists).
Email two- to six-page submissions in PDF AAAI submission format [] to
Submissions will be judged on technical merit and on potential to generate discussion and create community collaboration. The organizers will prepare a technical report summarizing the workshop. Additionally, the organizers plan to organize a special issue of a journal on the same topic: selected authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a longer version of their paper.
Tetherless World Constellation Chair
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Chief Computational Scientist
High Altitude Observatory
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Scientist
Natural Resources Canada
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