Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Stanford University
Abstract: The Model Driven Semantic Web
Researchers in knowledge representation and practitioners of the OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
are beginning to recognize that there is overlap in these technologies and that there may be
synergies that could be exploited to enable new, breakthrough capabilities in software engineering.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight some of the commonalities and unique characteristics of each that may benefit
the other and discuss areas of potential synergy. We
also summarize features of the current draft revised ODM
submission, and conclude with thoughts on areas where further collaboration might benefit both commonalities.
David Frankel, Pat Hayes, Elisa Kendall, and Deborah L. McGuinness.
The Model Driven Semantic Web.
In Proceedings of
First International Workshop on the
Model-Driven Semantic Web,
pdf version
version is available as is the
powerpoint presentation.
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