November meeting

Bob Engelmore (
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 17:05:03 -0700


I'd like to get a reasonably accurate count of how many people will be
attending the meeting on November 6 and 7. Please RSVP to me if you are
coming (i.e., no response signifies non-attendance). I would also be good
to know if you are coming for both days or just the first day.

IBM is not underwriting the meeting this time, so we need to recover the
costs of food, which includes morning and afternoon refreshments and a
catered lunch on the first day, and morning refreshments on the second day.
Mike Genesereth and I agreed that we should have a registration fee to cover
these costs, and my best estimate is that it will be $30 per person. Also,
we will distribute "A" parking permits when you arrive on the first day.
They cost $6 each. As long as you arrive before 9am, you should have no
trouble finding a parking space in the lot between the Gates building and
the Fairchild Center (see map on web if you are unfamiliar with the

Again, please let me know if you are coming to the meeting. Thanks,
