9th International Conference On Conceptual Structures
Call for Position Papers
Position papers are being requested for the Ninth International Conference
on Conceptual Structures, to be held at Stanford University, U.S.A. on July
31 through August 3, 2001. Details of the conference can be found at
The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) have been
held annually in Europe, Australia, and North America since 1993. The
central focus is the formal analysis and representation of conceptual
knowledge with applications to artificial intelligence, computational
linguistics, and related areas of computer science.
A position paper is a "lightly-reviewed" paper, maximum length two pages,
whose content would be of interest to conference attendees. The content may
be a brief summary of work in progress, a research proposal, an opinion
about conceptual structures research in general, a critique of an existing
or proposed method, or a description of an application. We welcome all
opinions; papers will be selected based on the quality of the writing and
their relevance to the conceptual structures community.
The position papers will be published the the supplemental proceedings,
which will be published on-line this year by CEUR. If the schedule permits,
one author of each position paper will have a short time period (10 to 15
minutes each) to present the paper.
The paper format must adhere to the Springer-Verlag guidelines as published
on the conference Web site under Formatting Papers. Authors do not have to
submit a copyright form.
The electronic submission in Postscript or PDF (preferred) format must be
received on or before Sunday, June 10, 2001, at Guy.Mineau@ift.ulaval.ca .
See the conference website for further details. If you have any questions
before June 10, please contact the ICCS Program Chairs: Harry Delugach
or Gerd Stumme