ICCS 2001

Author's Information

Papers accepted for publication will appear in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series by Springer-Verlag. Editors of the volume are Harry Delugach (Huntsville) and Gerd Stumme (Karlsruhe). Papers accepted for presentation only, and position papers will appear in supplementary proceedings.

Papers accepted for publication in either the LNAI or the supplementary proceedings are limited to 14 pages. The camera-ready version has to respect the format requirements of Springer-Verlag. Please send the camera-ready copy in pdf (strongly preferred) or postscript as attachment to your mail.

If your paper has been accepted for the LNAI volume, remark that Springer requests also the source files of accepted papers for on-line publication. in this case, please send additionally (as attachment to the same mail) a tar'ed and zip'ed directory containing all your source files. Springer also requests all authors of papers accepted for the LNAI proceedings to sign a copyright form. Please send this form to

Dr. Gerd Stumme
Institut AIFB
Universität Karlsruhe
D-76128 Karlsruhe

Fax: ++49-721-608-6580

The final submission of definitely accepted papers has to be received before or on Sunday, April 29, 2001, at stumme@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de. Conditionally accepted papers (for either LNAI volume or supplementary proceedings) have to be received before or on Sunday, April 15, 2001, at the same address, in order to be re-reviewed. Please have a look in your notification email which case applies to you.

In the case of technical problems further inquiry of the corresponding author may become necessary. Hence there should be a possibility to reach at least one of the authors in the days following April 29.

At least one author of each accepted paper has to register to ICCS 2001 before or on Sonday, April 29, 2001.