ICCS 2001 On-line Registration Instructions

All attendees and authors are expected to register on-line after May 16, 2001.

On-line payment is offered immediately after you confirm your registration

The full Conference registration fee before July 15, 2001 is US Dollars $250.00.
There is also an optional banquet at $60.00 per person, and you may choose
to bring a guest (for an additional fee of $60 per guest). After July 15, 2001
full conference registration increases to $300.00.

Full Conference Registration fee includes the following:

To pay on-line, continue as directed. You will receive an email confirming
registration and then another after on-line payment has been approved.

To pay by check, proceed to the point where you are prompted to confirm
registration information. When the secure payment form is displayed,
you are registered!
Next, retrieve and print the email sent from our on-line
registration system: SUBJECT "ICCS 2001 On-line Registration". Then
send the hard copy of the email and a personal check for the total amount to:

ICCS 2001 Conference
Attention: Ms. Jennifer Espinoza
Stanford University
353 Serra Mall
Gates Computer Science Building 2A , Room 243
Stanford, California, USA 94305-9020

Register NOW