
2001 International Workshop on Description Logics - DL2001

Stanford University, California, USA

August 1 - August 3, 2001

Wednesday, 1 August

DL/ICCS Joint Session in BioT Room 175 (Herrin Hall)

09.00-09.20 Ontology of Integration and Integration of Ontologies
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo and Maurizio Lenzerini
09.25-09.45 Boolean Judgement Logic
Rudolf Wille
09.50-10.10 Concept Graphs and Predicate Logic
Frithjof Dau
10.15-10.35 Searching For Objects and Properties with Logical Concept Analysis
Sebastien Ferre and Olivier Ridoux

10.40-11.20 Coffee Break

11.20-11.40 The Generation of DAML+OIL
Ian Horrocks and Peter F. Patel-Schneider
11.45-12.05 OilEd: A Reason-able Ontology Editor for Semantic Networks
Sean Bechhofer, Ian Horrocks, Carole Goble, Robert Stevens
12.10-12.30 Description of the RACER System and its Applications
Volker Haarslev and Ralf Moeller
12.35-12.55 Large-scale cooperatively built KBs
Philippe Martin and Peter Eklund

13:00-15:00  Lunch Break

Joint session with ICCS in BioT Room 175 (Herrin Hall)
15:00-15:20    Extension of RDFS based on the CG formalism
Alexandre Delteil, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Rose Dieng
15:25-15:45    Browsing Semi-structured Web text Formal Concept Analysis
 Richard Cole, Peter Eklund
15:50-16:10    A Web-based Browsing Mechanism
M. Kim, P. Compton
16:15-16:25    Description Logics Emerge from Ivory Towers
D. L. McGuinness

16:25-17:00  Break
17:00-18:00  Discussion (Deborah L. McGuinness) in CISX Room 101

Thursday, 2 August in CISX Room 101

Theoretical Foundations

09.00-09.20 Unification in a Description Logic with Transitive Closure
of Roles
Franz Baader, Ralf Kuesters
09.25-09.45 TBoxes do not Yield a Compact Representation of Least
Common Subsumers
Franz Baader and Anni-Yasmin Turhan
09.50-10.10 Using Lazy Unfolding for the Computation of Least Common
Anni-Yasmin Turhan and Ralf Molitor
10.15-10.35 Description Logics and the Two-Variable Fragment
Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sattler, and Frank Wolter

10.40-11.20 Coffee Break

11.20-11.40 On Attributes, Roles, and Dependencies in Description Logics and the Ackermann Case of the Decision Problem
David Toman and Grant Weddell
11.45-12.05 On Expressive Number Restrictions in Description Logics
Fabio Grandi
12.10-13.00 Discussion (Peter F. Patel-Schneider)

13.00-15.00 Lunch

Reasoning Mechanisms

15.00-15.20 Optimizing Reasoning in Description Logics with Qualified Number Restrictions
Volker Haarslev and Ralf Moeller
15.25-15.45 Combining Tableaux and Algebraic Methods for Reasoning with Qualified Number Restrictions
Volker Haarslev, Martina Timmann, and Ralf Moeller
15.50-16.10 Towards an Implementation of the Temporal Description Logic TLALC
Christian Guensel and Marco Wittmann

16.15-16.50 Coffee Break

16.50-17.10 Querying expressive DLs
Sergio Tessaris
17.15-18.00 Discussion (Ralf Moeller)

19:00 Cocktails at Description Logic Banquet - Stanford Faculty Club
19:30 Dinner - Stanford Faculty Club

Friday, 3 August

Extensions, XML in CISX Room 101

09.00-09.20 Preserving Modularity in XML Encoding of Description Logics
Jerome Euzenat
09.25-09.45 The DLRUS Temporal Description Logic
Alessandro Artale, Enrico Franconi, Milenko Mosurovic, Frank Wolter, and Michael Zakharyaschev
09.50-10.10 Diachronic Description Logics
Alex Borgida
10.15-10.35 A Note on Concepts and Distances
Oliver Kutz, Frank Wolter, and Michael Zakharyaschev
10.40-11.10 Obstacles on the Way to Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Description Logics: Some Undecidability Results
Michael Wessel

11.10-11.40 Coffee Break

11.40-12.30 Discussion (Carole Goble)

12.30-13.00 Closing Discussion

13:00 - 15:00 Lunch Break

Joint Session with ICCS on Ontologies in BioT Room 175 (Herrin Hall)

15:00-16:00     Panel Discussion:  Requirements for ontology in applications
 Nancy Lawler (Department of  Defense ),
Adam Pease (Teknowledge), Livia Polanyi (Fuji-Xerox), Bob Spillers, Mark Musen (Stanford Medical Informatics)

16:00-17:00      Panel Discussion:  Theoretical issues in ontology design and development
John McCarthy, Nicola Guarino, Pat Hayes, John Sowa, Gio Wiederhold

17:00-18:00    Open Discussion of future directions

(Revised by Deborah McGuinness July 31, 2001)