
2001 International Workshop on Description Logics - DL2001

Stanford University, California, USA

August 1 - August 3, 2001

Call for Participation

The 2001 International Workshop on Description Logics continues the tradition of international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of knowledge representation formalisms based on Description Logics. It is the 14th in the series of international workshops. Demonstrations of systems laboratory description logic -based applications will be possible and people interested are encouraged to get in touch with the organizers.

The main focus of DL2001 will be on

Applying Description Logics to the Semantic Web

including description logic formalisms for ontologies, description logic systems for reasoning with information in or about the web, and other relationships between description logics and the WWW. In addition to papers related to this focus topic, contributions on all other aspects of Description Logics are welcome.

DL2001 will be held in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Workshop (SWWS) from July 30-31 and the ICCS2001 (International Conference on Conceptual Structures), which will be held in Stanford, California, U.S.A., July 31 to August 3, 2001. This workshop is held in cooperation with the DARPA DAML Program. Student support is being sponsored by AAAI. Corporate sponsorship is being provided by Network Inference .


Accepted papers are printed in the workshop proceedings. The proceedings have been electronically published as CEUR-Workshop Proceedings at http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/. At the workshop, a hard copy of the proceedings will be handed out to the participants.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 16, 2001
Notification of acceptance: May 21, 2001
Camera ready papers due: June 18, 2001
Registration opens: May 31, 2001
Student support requests end: June 23, 2001
DL2001 Workshop: August 1-3, 2001

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers can be found at http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/dl2001/cfp.html.

Accepted Papers

A list of accepted papers is available.

Workshop Program

The workshop will begin with a joint session with ICCS on Wednesday morning August 1, 2001 and will continue with description logic-specific sessions through Friday afternoon May 3, 2001. A schedule is available.

Registration Information

Registration will be part of the ICCS2001 registration. DL registration is also available directly. There is some support available for student attendance.

Local Information and Accommodation

See the ICCS2001 information. We include a pointer to the Stanford Community Housing Services Local Hotels and Motels information and Stanford's visitor information . Also, if you are interested in on campus housing act QUICKLY and review the following note.

Organizing and Program Committee

Carole Goble
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Deborah L. McGuinness (co-chair)
Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Ralf F. Moeller
Computer Science Department
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Peter F. Patel-Schneider (co-chair)
Bell Labs Research
Murray Hill, NJ, U. S. A.
