May 17, 2002
Invited participants must send camera-ready copy of their
papers, along with audiovisual requests (attached below) and permission
to distribute forms - located at - to
AAAI at the address below.
The purpose of this document will be to explain how to format and submit the camera-ready copy of your paper for the workshop working notes or technical report. Please read these instructions carefully. AAAI workshop working notes and technical reports are published from electronic files that you submit. We also require that you submit an original printout of your paper so that we might compare it with your electronic file, and scan it if there is a problem with your electronic file that we cannot fix. Scanning incurs significant additional expenses, which, in turn, drive up costs (including registration fees!) so your cooperation in producing trouble-free files is to your advantage. You must submit both electronic and hardcopy.
When and What to Submit
The submission deadline is May 15 for receipt of all electronic
materials. Hard copy is due May 17 (including paper, permission to
distribute form, and audio-visual form). These are firm
deadlines. The following paragraphs discuss what you should
Send a Hardcopy Printout of Your Paper
Send us a clean, unfolded, single-sided laser-printout of your
paper in a large envelope with cardboard stiffener (marked "DO NOT BEND
OR FOLD") to:
AAAI Press
445 Burgess Drive, Suite 100
Menlo Park CA 94025 USA
This material must arrive at our office no later than May 17.
Submit an Electronic Version of Your File
Submit your electronic abstract, paper title, and a PostScript,
PDF, or (if you can't submit PostScript) an RTF version of your paper
(LaTeX users must also submit all source files and a dvi file as
well-even if you submit a PDF). Submission instructions are located
The site may be extremely busy on the last day, May 15. To be prudent, submit your electronic paper at least five days in advance of the deadline. If you can't use the submission form, you must send your materials to your workshop organizer who will submit the materials for you.
If you are creating a PDF file, please pay attention to the settings requirements noted in the submission instructions. Additional information on PDF settings is located at
Sign and Send the AAAI Permission to Distribute Form
The AAAI Permission to Distribute form must be included with the
hard-copy version of your paper. Your paper will not be published
unless you send us a signed, unaltered copy of this form. No
exceptions. This form does not prevent you from publishing your paper
elsewhere, but it does allow AAAI to distribute your paper in hardcopy
and electronic form. A copy of this form is included with these
instructions. It can also be downloaded from
Formatting Instructions
Your paper should be formatted in two-column format according to
the instructions supplied in this kit. Please pay careful attention to
the margin requirements. Nothing may intrude into the margins. (If you
use LaTeX, be especially certain that your tables and equations stay
completely within the margins.)
Font Requirements
Your paper should be formatted in Times or Times New Roman.
LaTeX users should use the "times package" in their source, and may
find the following information on fonts of some
Length Requirements
You are allowed to submit up to PAGE LIMIT. No paper longer
than PAGE LIMIT pages will be accepted. (Note to Workshop Organizer:
Total page limit cannot exceed 200 pages.)
Page Size
AAAI's technical reports and working notes are printed in 8-1/2
x 11 inch format. Although you may send in your hardcopy on A4 paper,
your electronic file must be formatted for an 8-1/2 x 11 inch page. (If
you live outside the US, please don't submit a PDF file unless you're
certain it is letter sized, submit a PostScript file instead-we can
edit the PostScript if necessary).
How to Obtain AAAI Macros and Style Sheets
You may find our sample Word or RTF documents (including style
sheets) helpful to you in formatting your paper. We also have LaTeX
macros that can be used to format two-column camera copy. (Please read
the formatting instructions!) To retrieve the templates, please go
If you use LaTeX, please note that use of the new aaai.sty macro is
required (the old aaai.sty macros and instructions are not the same;
note that ijcai.sty macros are not acceptable). To avoid having your
file returned for reformatting, you should download latex-set.tex and
you must format your paper using the Times font. Please download
"latex-set.tex" and read the new instructions for LaTeX users.
Naming Your Electronic File
To avoid possible erasure of your file on our site, you should
include the following elements in the
name of your file (in this order):
1. AAAI Workshop Number (e.g. WS02) followed by a hyphen
2. YEAR (last two digits, e.g. 02)
3. Principal Author's First Initial and Surname (use mixed case)
4. File type extension (.ps or .pdf or .tar or .rtf)
Thus, a paper by J. Doe for AAAI workshop 3, would be called:
WS03-02JDoe.pdf or or
WS03-02JDoe.tar or
If you are submitting more than one file under the same authors name,
number the files 1, 2, etc. and put the number in front of the file
name (for example, 1AAAI02JDoe.pdf, 2AAAI02JDoe.pdf, etc.)
If your paper is called or aaai.pdf, it will automatically be erased-please rename your file according to the above instructions!
We're sorry, we cannot accept e-mail submissions.
If you have any questions regarding the formatting and
guidelines of this author kit, please contact
Mike Hamilton (email deleted) .
Thank you for reading these instructions.
All rooms in which the workshops are held will have an LCD projector and an overhead projector as standard equipment. Individuals requiring special audio visual needs (e.g., a VCR or 35mm projector) for their presentations are requested to provide the information below.
SPECIAL A/V NEEDS (please only list what you would like AAAI to provide):
Please note that a/v requests are subject to budget restrictions. Authors are required to provide their own laptop computers, as well as all software needed to operate programs. Connections to the internet are restricted to availability and budget considerations, and must be requested at least two months prior to the event.
Please return this to AAAI at by May 17, 2002.