
The Third International Cognitive Robotics Workshop

(AAAI 2002 Workshop WS7)

July 28, 2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Preliminary Schedule


9:00 – 9:10       Workshop Introduction


9:10 – 10:10      Session:  Situation Calculus Does it All!(?)

Chair: Gerhard Lakemeyer

Invited Speaker:  Raymond Reiter, University of Toronto

                        Stochastic Actions, Probabilities, and Markov Decision Processes in the Situation Calculus


10:10 –10:40     Interfacing IndiGolog and OAA – A Toolkit for Advanced Multiagent Applications.

    A. Lapouchnian and Y. Lesperance.


10:40 – 11:00    Coffee Break


11:00 – 12:00    Session:  Programming and Controlling Cognitive Robots

Chair: Michael Thielscher

Pushing the Envelope: Programming Reasoning Agents.

    M. Thielscher.

Programming the Deliberation Cycle of Cognitive Robots.

    M. Dastani, F. De Boet, F. Dignum, W. van der Hoek, M. Kroese, J.J. Meyer.

                        High-Level Robot Behavior Control Using POMDPs.

    J. Pineau and S. Thrun.


12:00 – 1:30      Lunch


1:30 – 2:45        Session:  Object Recognition

Chair: Fiora Pirri

A Situation-Bayes View of Object Recognition Based on Symgeons.

    F. Pirri and M. Romano.

Identifying Perceptually Indistinguishable Objects: Is That the Same One You Saw Before?

    J. Santore and S. Shapiro.

From Regions to Transitions, From Transitions to Objects

    P. Santos and M. Shanahan.


2:45 – 3:35        Session:  Diagnosis and Explaining Observations

Chair: Sheila McIlraith

                        Diagnostics with Answer Sets: Dealing with Unobservable Fluents.

    M. Gelfond and R. Watson.

What Observations Really Tell Us.

    G. Iwan and G. Lakemeyer.


3:35 – 4:00        Coffee Break


4:00 – 4:30        Session:  Challenge Problems in Cognitive Robotics

Chair: Chitta Baral

                        Adventure Games:  E. Amir and P. Doyle.  

                        Soccer:  F. Dylla, A. Ferrein and G. Lakemeyer.


4:30 – 6:00        Poster Presentations of Accepted Papers

Poster Presentations of Accepted Papers


Planning with Non-deterministic Actions and Sensing.

E. Amir.


Adventure Games: A Challenge for Cognitive Robotics.

E. Amir and P. Doyle.


Supporting Self-Explanation on Behavior Based Robots.

C. Le Dac


Programming the Deliberation Cycle of Cognitive Robots.

M. Dastani, F. De Boet, F. Dignum, W. van der Hoek, M. Kroese, J.J. Meyer.


Acting and Deliberating using Golog in Robotic Soccer -- a Hybrid  Architecture.

F. Dylla, A. Ferrein and G. Lakemeyer.


Generation and Execution of Partially Correct Plans in Dynamic Environments.

A Farinelli, G. Grisetti, L. Iocchi, D. Nardi, and R. Rosati.


Diagnostics with Answer Sets: Dealing with Unobservable Fluents.

M. Gelfond and R. Watson.


What Observations Really Tell Us.

G. Iwan and G. Lakemeyer.


Non-Verbal Eliza-like Human Behaviors in Human-Robot Interaction through Real-Time Auditory and Visual Multiple-Talker Tracking.

H.G. Okuno, K. Nakadai and H. Kitano


Interfacing IndiGolog and OAA - A Toolkit for Advanced Multiagent Applications.

A. Lapouchnian and Y. Lesperance.


High-Level Robot Programs Based on Abductive Event Calculus

Leliane Nunes de Barros and Silvio do Lago Pereira


Preliminary Insights on Temporal Approximation.

A. Parmar.


High-Level Robot Behavior Control Using POMDPs.

J. Pineau and S. Thrun.


A Situation-Bayes View of Object Recognition Based on Symgeons.

F. Pirri and M. Romano.


Identifying Perceptually Indistinguishable Objects: Is That the Same One You Saw Before?

J. Santore and S. Shapiro.


From Regions to Transitions, From Transitions to Objects

P. Santos and M. Shanahan.


Pushing the Envelope: Programming Reasoning Agents.

M. Thielscher.


Hybrid Cognitive/Reactive Architectures for Robot Autonomy

J.G. Trafton, A.C. Schultz, W. Adams, D. Brock, M. Bugajska, M. Abramson