CALL FOR PAPER AND PARTICIPATION *** CogRob2002 *** The Third International Cognitive Robotics Workshop July 28 and/or 29, 2002 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Held in conjunction with AAAI-02 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence July 28 - August 1, 2002 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Workshop Description and Call for Papers: ========================================= Research in robotics has traditionally emphasized low-level sensing and control tasks including sensory processing, path planning, and manipulator design and control. In contrast, research in *cognitive robotics* is concerned with endowing robots and software agents with higher level cognitive functions that enable them to reason, act and perceive in changing, incompletely known, and unpredictable environments. Such robots must, for example, be able to reason about goals, actions, when to perceive and what to look for, the cognitive states of other agents, time, collaborative task execution, etc. In short, cognitive robotics is concerned with integrating reasoning, perception and action within a uniform theoretical and implementation framework. This workshop aims to bring together researchers involved in all aspects of the theory and implementation of cognitive robots, to discuss current work and future directions. While all aspects of cognitive robotics are of interest to the workshop, we especially welcome discussions and demonstrations of implemented systems. CogRob2002 follows the very successful AAAI Fall Symposium 1998 on Cognitive Robotics ( held in Orlando and the Second International Cognitive Robotics Workshop ( held in conjunction with ECAI-2000 in Berlin. Call for Participation ====================== Potential participants are invited to submit either a technical paper (extended abstract), an overview paper on their ongoing research, a position paper, a statement of interest, or a description of an implemented system that the authors are willing to demonstrate at the workshop. Papers should be no longer than 7 pages with a font size of at least 10 points. Others wishing to attend should submit a 1-2 page description of their work or interest in this area (including a short list of related publications). This may include specific questions and issues that they feel should be addressed. Proposals of panels on specific issues are also welcome. Authors who would like to participate in systems demonstrations (either live, simulated, or video-taped) should indicate their audio-visual and/or computer needs at the time of submission. Papers submitted to this workshop are not considered to be archival publications. Working notes will be distributed at the workshop, but no archival publication will be produced. Hence, authors may submit papers that are under review elsewhere, or that will be published elsewhere, including KR2002 and AAAI-2002 All submissions must arrive by MARCH 15, 2002. Electronic submissions are preferred and should be sent to Papers must be in postscript. General Contact Information: ============================ Workshop URL: For mailing information and other administrative details including submission of papers, reviews and final copies, please contact For technical information about the workshop please contact Chitta Baral: Sheila McIlraith: For general information about the workshop venue, hotels, and travel information please see the AAAI-2002 Web Site. Important Dates: ================ March 15, 2002: Deadline for Submission April 19, 2002: Notification of Acceptance May 3, 2002: Camera Ready Papers Due TBD: Deadline for workshop registration of invited participants TBD: Deadline for general workshop registration July 28 (possibly 29): CogRob2002 Workshop July 30 - August 1: AAAI'02 Conference Program Committee: ================== Eyal Amir, U.C. Berkeley, USA Chitta Baral (Co-chair), Arizona State University, USA Patrick Doherty, Linkoping University, Sweden Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech University, USA Malik Ghallab, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France Kurt Konolige, SRI, USA Gerhard Lakemeyer, Aachen University of Technology, Germany Sheila McIlraith (Co-chair), Stanford University, USA John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University, Netherlands Daniele Nardi, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy Bernard Nebel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet, Germany Illah Nourbakhsh, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Maurice Pagnucco, University of New South Wales, Australia Murray Shanahan, Imperial College, UK Sebastian Thrun, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Son Tran New Mexico State University, USA Paulo Traverso, Institute for Scientific and Technological Research, Italy