Murdock, J.

Murdock, J.

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Murdock, J. W.; McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Welty, C.; Ferrucci, D. Explaining Conclusions from Diverse Knowledge Sources. the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2006) Athens, Georgia, USA, November 5th - 9th, 2006.

McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Murdock, J. W.; & Ferrucci, D. Exposing Extracted Knowledge Supporting Answers. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University., 2005.

Welty, C.; Murdock, J. W.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D.L.; Ferrucci, D.; Fikes, R. Tracking Information Extraction from Intelligence Documents. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Intelligence Analysis (IA 2005), McLean, VA, USA, 2-6 May, 2005. 2005.

Murdock, J. W.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Ferrucci, D.; Welty, C.; & McGuinness, D. L. Encoding Extraction as Inferences. 2004.

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