Delagi, B.
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[Reports by Author]
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- KSL-91-01
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Simulation of Cache Coherence Protocols on an Instrumented Simulator. 1991.
- KSL-90-41
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Cache Coherence for Large Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1989.
- KSL-90-66
- Saraiya, N. P.; Delagi, B. A.; & Nishimura, S. Simple/Care: An Instrumented Simulator for Multiprocessor Architectures. KSL, September, 1990.
- KSL-89-15
- Byrd, G. T. & Delagi, B. A. Support for Fine-Grained Message Passing in Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1989.
- KSL-89-16
- Saraiya, N. P.; Delagi, B. A.; & Nishimura, S. Design and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Report Integration System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1989.
- KSL-89-72
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Design and Implementation of a Distributed Cache Coherence Protocol. KSL, April, 1990.
- KSL-89-83
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Cache Coherence for Large Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1990.
- KSL-88-10
- Byrd, G. T. & Delagi, B. A. A Performance Comparison of Shared Variables vs. Message Passing. February 1, 1988.
- KSL-88-33
- Delagi, B. A. & Saraiya, N. P. Elint in Lamina, Application of a Object Language. 1988.
- KSL-88-53
- Delagi, B.; Saraiya, N.; & Byrd, G. Care User Manual. 1990.
- KSL-88-81
- Byrd, G. T.; Saraiya, N. P.; & Delagi, B. Multicast Communication in Multiprocessor Systems. 1989.
- KSL-87-02
- Byrd, G. T.; Nakano, R.; & Delagi, B. A. A Point-to-Point Multicast Communications Protocol. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-07
- Byrd, G. T. & Delagi, B. A. Considerations for Multiprocessor Topologies. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-44
- Byrd, G. T.; Nakano, R.; & Delagi, B. A. A Dynamic, Cut-Through Communications Protocol with Multicast. August, 1987.
- KSL-87-65
- Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N.; Nishimura, S.; & Byrd, G. Instrumented Architectural Simulation. November, 1987.
- KSL-86-36
- Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N.; Nishimura, S.; & Byrd, G. An Instrumented Architectural Simulation System. January, 1987.
- KSL-86-67
- Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N. P.; & Byrd, G. T. LAMINA: CARE APPLICATIONS INTERFACE. November 1987, 1987.
- KSL-86-69
- Brown, H.; Schoen, E.; & Delagi, B. An Experiment in Knowledge-Base Signal Understanding Using Parallel Architectures. Kluwer Publishers, 1986.
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