Knowledge on the Web Seminar (KnOWS)
Autumn Quarter 1999


Seminar Information

TIME: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM till 12:00 PM 
LOCATION & DIRECTIONS: Gates Computer Science Building, Room 104 

Most of the vast amount of information available on the Web today is expressed in formats that are designed primarily for human consumption and that make the information essentially uninterpretable by computers.  Major advances in intelligent information processing can become realizable by developing means for enabling the information that is routinely put on the Web to be in computer interpretable form, and there is increasing activity in the computer science research and development communities focused on achieving that goal.  This seminar is a weekly series of presentations and discussions aimed at understanding that activity and furthering the development of computer-interpretable Web documents, languages in which they are written, techniques for interpreting them, tools for creating them, and innovative uses for them.

Richard Fikes           Ed Feigenbaum          Deborah McGuinness          Sheila McIlraith

These seminars are open to the public.

To subscribe to the KnOWS distribution list, send an e-mail request to Jennifer Espinoza (

A complementary seminar focused on Ontologies, E-Commerce, XML, and Metadata (CS 545) is organized by the InfoLab.

Autumn Quarter Schedule 1999

+ Sept. 24 Jeff Heflin, Ph.D Student, University of Maryland SHOE, a Markup Language For Representing Knowledge on the Web (Abstract)
+ Sept. 29 Jeff Heflin, Ph.D Student, University of Maryland SHOE, a Markup Language For Representing Knowledge on the Web (continued) (Abstract)
+ Oct. 6 Tom Gruber, Chief Technical Officer for Intraspect Creating an Organizational Memory from Knowledge Work (Abstract)
+ Oct. 13 Keith Edwards,  Research Staff in the Computer Sciences Laboratory at Xerox PARC (Author of "Core Jini") An Overview of the Jini Distributed Computing Infrastructure (Abstract)
+ Oct. 20 Ramanathan Guha, Chief Technical Officer, Epinion (Co-developer of CYC) From a Web of Documents to a Web of Knowledge (Abstract)
+ Oct. 27 Mike Genesereth, Associate Professor, Stanford University Computer Science Department and Chief Technology Officer of Mergent Systems Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Databases The Relational Logic Approach (Abstract)
+ Nov. 3 Cancelled
+ Nov. 10 Daniel G. Bobrow, Research Fellow, Xerox PARC Eureka, Using the Web as a Community Knowledge Medium (Abstract)
+ Nov. 17 9:00 am Doug Lenat, President and CEO of CYCORP E-CYC:  Common Sense Moves to the Web (Abstract) (Presentation Slices)
+ Nov. 17 10: 30 am Benjamin Grosof, of the
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Business Rules for E-Commerce on the Web: Courteous Logic Programs in XML, for Contracts and Authorization (Abstract)
+ Nov. 24 Cancelled
+ Dec. 1 Lawrence M. Fagan, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford Medical Informatics 

Dan Berrios, M.D., M.P.H.
VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Stanford Medical Informatics

Research Directions in Electronic Medical Publishing (Abstract)